The Enforcement Bureau, through its Spectrum Enforcement Division, seeks to ensure 911 call completion from the 911 caller at one end to the appropriate emergency call center (otherwise known as a public safety answering point or PSAP) at the other end.

Section 9.4 of the Commission’s rules requires all telecommunications carriers to transmit all 911 calls to a PSAP, to a designated statewide default answering point, or to an appropriate local emergency authority. Commercial mobile radio service providers have similar requirements, as well as automatic number and location requirements, pursuant to section 9.10 of the Commission’s rules. Interconnected VoIP providers also have similar requirements to provide E911 service to consumers.

The Commission also adopted notification requirements for communications providers when 911 and other outages occur. These notification requirements ensure that the Commission receives timely information about the causes and impacts of 911 and other outages so the Commission can monitor trends and take action if needed. The notification requirements also ensure that providers quickly notify PSAPs with pertinent information about 911 outages that potentially impact the PSAP.

Rules & Statutes

These sections of the Communications Act of 1934, as amended, (Act) and the Commission’s rules are not comprehensive but highlight some that apply to 911, Network Outages, Network Outages reporting, Wireless 911 and E911.

Section of the Act

47 U.S.C. § 151 (the FCC is charged with “promoting safety of life and property through the use of wire and radio communications.”)

Some general rules that apply

  • 47 CFR § 4.9 - communications providers, as defined in § 4.3, must swiftly notify the Commission and all applicable designated public safety officials regarding reportable network outages
  • 47 CFR § 9.4 - telecommunications providers must transmit all 911 calls to a PSAP (public safety answering point), to a designated statewide default answering point, or to an appropriate local emergency authority
  • 47 CFR § 9.10 - among other requirements, applicable CMRS (commercial mobile radio service) providers must transmit wireless 911 calls, enable access to 911 services for the hearing impaired, and meet call location accuracy standards
  • 47 CFR § 9.11 - providers of interconnected VoIP services must provide consumers with E911 service
  • 47 CFR § 9.19 - covered 911 service providers must annually file a certification with the Commission attesting whether they have taken measures to ensure the reliability of their network with respect to circuit diversity, backup power, and network monitoring



Tuesday, December 20, 2022