800 MHz RPC Directory 

Region 1: Alabama 

Richard Ranson
The University of Alabama - Public Safety Administration
7400 Richard M. Piere Pkwy - Rm 400, Northport, AL 35473
Phone: 205-347-1033

Frankie Cole
Vice Chair
Huntsville Madison County Communications District
1570 Old Monrovia Road NW Huntsville, AL 38506
Phone: 256-479-0583
Email: Frankie.cole@madco911.com

Michael Lee
Jefferson County 911 Emergency Communications District
2659 Center Point Pkwy, Birmingham, AL 35215
Phone:  205-783-1702
Email:  leemg@jeffcoal911.org

Region 2: Alaska 

Jason Beach
Communications Foreman, Municipality of Anchorage
3601 Dr. Martin Luther King Jr Ave. Anchorage AK  99507
Phone:  907-343-8365
Fax:  907-343-82201
Email:  jason.beach@anchorageak.gov

Region 3: Arizona 

Stuart Snow
2441 S. 22nd Ave Phoenix, AZ 85009
Phone:  602-262-7034
Email:  stuart.snow@phoenix.gov

John Sater
Vice Chairperson
Phone:  602-534-6933
Email:  john.sater@phoenix.gov

Steve Powell
Phone:  480-312-7262
Email:  spowell@scottsdaleaz.gov

Region 4: Arkansas 

David Baker
State of Arkansas - AWIN
Bldg 9501 Camp Joseph T Robinson North Little Rock AK  72199-9600
Phone:  501-682-1185

Region 5: California-South 

Steven Page  
1382 Bell Ave. Tustin, CA. 92780
Phone: 714-704-7953  
Email: sjpage@ocsheriff.gov



Region 6: California-North 

John Lemmon
Retired State of California
Phone: 916-718-9011
Michael Proscia
Vice Chair
City and County of San Francisco, Public Safety Division
Phone: 415-652-5429
Email:  michael.proscia@sfgov.org
Karl Grover
City of Roseville
Email:  kgrover@roseville.ca.us

Region 7: Colorado 

Edward Boyer  
Electronic Engineer, Office of Information Technology, Communication Services  
601 E. 18th Ave., Suite 250, Denver, CO 80203 
Phone: 303-866-2244  
Email: edward.boyer@state.co.us 

Region 8: New York-Metropolitan 

Maribel Martinez-Bradwell
Radio Engineering Manager, Division of Operations
New York State Department of Environmental Conservation
625 Broadway, Albany, NY 12233 phone:  (518) 402-9056
Email:  Maribel.Martinez@dec.ny.gov

Michael Postel
Vice Chair
Police Communications Systems Director, Suffolk County Police Department
30 Yaphank Ave., Yaphank, NY  11980
Phone:  (631) 852-6431
Email: michael.postel@suffolkcountyny.gov

Seth Needleman
Clarkstown Police Department
20 Maple Ave, New City, NY  10956
Email:  s.needleman@clarkstownpd.org

David K. Stern
2147 Route 27, Suite 102 Edison, NJ 08817
Phone:  (609) 655-1200, ext. 323
Email:  david.stern@vcomm-eng.com


Region 9: Florida 

Jason S. Matthews
Lake County Sheriff’s Department
360 Ruby St., Tavares, FL 32778
Phone:  352-742-3940
Email:  jason.matthews@lcso.org

Mr. Gary Gray
Vice Chairperson
City of Fort Lauderdale Telecommunications (ret.)
812 NW 6th Ave. Unit C, Fort Lauderdale, FL  33311
Phone:  954-900-7282
Email:  gary.gray56@aol.com


Region 10: Georgia 

Howell McKinnon
Radio Systems Coordinator, Athens-Clarke County
3035 Lexington Rd, Athens, GA  30605
Phone:  706-613-3710
Mobile:  706-340-0314
Email:  chairregion10rpc2021@gmail.com

Mike Ward
Vice Chairperson
152 N Marietta Pkwy, Marietta, GA  30060
Phone:  770-499-4115
Cell:  404-402-2231
Email:  vicechairregion10rpc2021@gmail.com

Region 11: Hawaii 

Warren Izumigawa  
801 S. Beretania St., Honolulu, HI 96813  
Phone: 808-723-8860  
Fax: 808-831-7210 
Email: wizumigawa@honolulu.gov 

Walter H. Pacheco 
Vice Chairperson 
Maui Police Department  
55 Mahalani Street, Wailuku, Hawaii 96793  
Phone: 808-270-6529  
Fax: 413-751-0180  
Email: wpacheco@mpd.net 

Region 12: Idaho 

Karl Rudorf
Public Safety Radio Network Administrator
945 E. Pine Ave. Meridian, ID  83642
Phone: 208-577-3618 or 208-859-8972   
Collin McRoy
Vice Chairman
Communications Services Lead Administrator
Kootenai County Sheriff's Office Support Services Bureau Communications Section
3380 N. Julia St., P.O. Box 9000, Coeur d'Alene, ID  83816
Office:  208-446-1855
Mobile:  208-292-7001
Fax:  208-664-4064
Email:  cmcroy@kcgov.us

Region 13: Illinois (all except area in Region 54) 

William J. Carter  
Phone: 312-814-5208  
Mobile: 312-793-7267  
Email: wizard61@hotmail.com

Steve Rauter 
Phone: 815-409-0630
Email: serkits@comcast.net

Region 14: Indiana (all except area in Region 54) 

Larry Turner
FCC Frequency Coordination/FCC Licensing
Phone:  317-234-1540
Email: lturner1@ipsc.in.gov 
Email: fcclicensing@ipsc.in.gov 

Region 15: Iowa 

Rob Dehnert
City of West Des Moines-Westcom
PO Box 65320, West Des Moines, IA 50265-0320
Phone: 515-273-0762

Jason Hoffman
Vice Chairperson
Carroll County Communications
Phone:  712-775-2294
Email:  jhoffman@carrollcountyiowa.org

Nick Brockman
Polk County Communications
 Phone: 515-286-2205 
Email: Nick.Brockman@polkcountyiowa.gov

Region 16: Kansas 

Jason Bryant
State of Kansas
Statewide Interoperability Coordinator (SWIC)
Mobile:  785-452-0974

Region 17: Kentucky 

Michael B. Marshall
APCO/Special Projects Coordinator KSP Communications and Computer Technologies
94 Airport Rd. Frankfort, KY  40601
Phone:  502-782-2063
Mobile: 502-229-1090
Email: brandon.marshall@ky.gov

Andrew Barrett
Louisville Metro Emergency Services Radio Systems Electronics Supervisor II
410 South 5th Street, Louisville, KY  40202
Phone: 502-572-3471
Email:  andrew.barrett@louisvilleky.gov

Region 18: Louisiana 

William Vincent  
300 Millcreek Rd. Lafayette, LA  70508 
Phone: 337-291-5060  
Fax: 337-291-5080 
Email: billvincent@cox.net

Region 19: New England 


John Ruggiero
Massachusetts State Police Communications Section
470 Worcester Rd, Framingham, MA  01702-5309
Phone:  508-820-2222
Mr. Scott Wright
Vice Chair
Connecticut Department of Emergency Services and Public Protection
Division of Statewide Emergency Telecommunications
1111 Country Club Road Middletown, CT 06457-9294
Phone: 860-462-9899
E-mail: scott.wright@ct.gov

Mr. Christopher McGrath
Recording Secretary
Rhode Island Emergency Management Agency
Operations Support Branch Chief
645 New London Avenue Cranston, RI 02920-3003
Phone: 401-265-3037
Email: christopher.mcgrath@ema.ri.gov

Region 20: District of Columbia, Maryland and Northern Virginia 

Michael Baltrotsky
100 Edison Park Dr, 2nd Floor, Gaithersburg, MD  20878
Phone: 240-372-8993
Email: michael.baltrotsky@montgomerycountymd.gov

Robert Burlingame
Vice Chair
41975 Loudoun Center Place, Leesburg, VA  20175
Phone: 571-233-8087
Email: robert.burlingame@loudoun.gov

John Anderson
Public Safety Radio Project Office
7320 Ritchie Highway Glen Burnie, MD  21061 
phone: 703-851-5459
Email: ITVAND40@aacounty.org

Region 21: Michigan 

Keith M. Bradshaw
Michigan Public Safety Communications System
42145 West Seven Mile Road, Northville, MI  48167
Phone:  248-380-1080

Dale J. Berry
Vice Chairman
President Emeritus, Emergent Health Partners
1200 State Circle, Ann Arbor, MI  48108
Phone: 734-477-6262

Region 22: Minnesota 

Dave Pagel
Phone: 651-234-7970
Email: dave.pagel@state.mn.us

Region 23: Mississippi 

Donald W. Loper
3893 Highway 468 West Pearl, Mississippi 39208
Phone:   601-933-2603

Region 24: Missouri 

Scott Bigham  
1503 Benton Dr - Macon, MO  63552
Phone: 660-415-0014 
Email: bighams@apcointl.org

Region 25: Montana 

Dale Osborne  
Montana Highway Patrol  
2550 Prospect, Helena, MT 
 Phone: 406-444-4274  
Email: dosborne@mt.gov 

Elizabeth (Wing) Spooner  
Public Safety Communications Bureau, State of Montana  
P.O. Box 200115, Helena, MT 59620-0115  
Phone: 406-444-2491 
 Email: espooner@mt.gov 

Region 26: Nebraska 

Dave Collett
IT Manager Public Safety System
Nebraska Office of the CIO
501 S. 14th Street, Lincoln, NE 68508
Phone: 402-471-3719
Mobile: 402-580-3721
Email: dave.collett@nebraska.gov

Cory Simmons
Vice Chair
System Lead Public Safety Communications
Nebraska Office of the CIO
501 S. 14th Street, Lincoln, NE 68508
Phone: 402-471-0491
Mobile: 402-430-0679
Email:  cory.simmons@nebraska.gov

Region 27: Nevada 

Jacob Grivette
Nevada Department of Transportation
1263 South Stewart St., Carson City, NV  89712
Phone: 775-888-7884
Email: jgrivette@dot.nv.gov


Region 28: Eastern Pennsylvania, Southern New Jersey and Delaware 


Richard Lohwasser
Assistant Director or Technical Services, Emergency Communications Division
911 Montgomery County Dept of Public Safety
50 Eagleville Rd., Eagleville, PA  19403
Phone: 610-631-6542
Email:  rick.lohwasser@montgomerycountypa.gov

Steve Castellano
Vice Chair
Delaware County PA
Phone: 610-892-8129
Email: sastellanos@co.delaware.pa.us

Jim Shelton
740 Springdale Dr., Suite 160, Exton, PA 19341
Phone: 610-684-1000 x235 / 484-773-0251
Fax: 484-878-6963
Mobile: 610-812-4482
Email:  jim.shelton@vcomm-eng.com

David K. Stern
Technical Subcommittee Chair
2147 Route 27, Suite 102, Edison, NJ  08817
Phone: 609-655-1200 x235
Email:  david.stern@vcomm-eng.com


Region 29: New Mexico 

Charles Ross
Emergency Telecommunications Administrator
City of Rio Rancho | Police Department
Phone: 505-891-5956
Email:  cross@rrnm.gov



Region 30: New York-Albany 

Glen P. Gosnell, ENP
Director / Emergency Manager
Washington County Department of Public Safety
Address: 383 Broadway - Building B, Fort Edward, NY 12828
Phone: 518-747-7520
Mobile: 518-796-1400
Email: ggosnell@washingtoncountyny.gov

Frank Frisone 
Vice Chairperson
Saratoga County Department of Emergency Services
6012 County Farm Road, Ballston Spa, NY  12020
Phone: 518-461-6263
Email: FFrisone@SaratogaCountyNY.gov

Matthew Delaney
Technical Subcommittee Chair
Radio Engineer Manager, Office of Interoperable and Emergency Communications
NYS Division of Homeland Security & Emergency Services
State Campus Building 7A Suite 710, 1220 Washington Ave, Albany, NY 12242
Phone: 518-322-4910
Email: Matthew.Delaney@dhses.ny.gov  

Robert Isby Jr.
Rensselaer County Bureau of Public Safety
434 West Sand Lake Rd, Wynantskill, NY 12198
Phone:  518-857-6792
Email: algnquin@nycap.rr.com

Region 31: North Carolina 

Scott R. Smith
Spectrum Resource Manager
North Carolina State Highway Patrol, Technical Service Unit
Bldg 2, 3318 Garner Road, Raleigh, NC 27610 
Phone: 919-662-4440
Email: scott.r.smith@ncshp.gov


Region 32: North Dakota 

Darin Anderson
Division Director, ND DES State Radio Emergency Communications Center / ND Statewide Interoperability Coordinator (SWIC)
35 Fraine Barracks Rd, Bismarck, ND  58503
Phone: 701-328-8150
Email: darinlanderson@nd.gov

Jennifer Moeller
Vice Chair
ND Division of State Radio Communications
Phone: 701-328-8151
Fax: 701-328-8181
Email: jmoeller@nd.gov

Region 33: Ohio 

Devan Phillis
MARCS Program Office
4200 Surface Road, Columbus, OH 43228
Phone:  614-387-1592

Robert M. Bill  
36 E. Scioto Dr., Shawnee Hills, OH  43065
Phone: 614-995-0063  
Email: rmbill1045@gmail.com 

Region 34: Oklahoma 

Scott Walsh
100 North Midwest Blvd., Midwest City, OK 73110
Phone:  405-739-1372
Mobile:  405-626-7862
Martin T. Vinson
Technical Committee Chairperson
10609 Turnberry Ln, Oklahoma City, OK  73170
Phone: 870-209-3088
Michael Wright
City of Tulsa
3411 N Columbia Ave Tulsa, OK 74014
Phone:  918-591-4146


Region 35: Oregon 

Joe Kuran
14867 SW Parmele Rd., Gaston, OR  97119
Phone: 503-939-6736
Email: joe@kurankoncepts.com

Region 36: Pennsylvania (all except area in Region 28) 

Robert L. Barnham
Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
Director, Statewide Radio Network Division
8001 Bretz Dr, Harrisburg, PA  17112
Phone: 717-346-8058
Fax: 717-772-8097
Email: rbarnham@pa.gov


Region 37: South Carolina 

Linn Skipper
Radio System Manager
City of Sumter Police Department
107 East Hampton Ave. Sumter  SC, 29154
Phone:   803-983-1041
John Carter
Electronics/Communications Manager
Department of Public Safety Communications York County Government
149 West Black Street  PO Box 12430 Rock Hill SC, 29730
Phone:   803-909-7504
Mobile:  803-329-0911

Region 38: South Dakota 

Todd Dravland  
Convener State of South Dakota, Radio Communications  
500 E. Capitol, Pierre, SD 57501-5070  
Phone: 605-773-4635  
Fax: 605-773-4629  
Email: todd.dravland@state.sd.us 

Region 39: Tennessee 

Joe Johnson
City of Murfreesboro - Radio Communications
1004 N. Highland Ave., Murfreesboro, TN  37130
Phone: 629-201-5629

John O'Connor
City of Memphis, Manager, Communications Maintenance
79 S Flicker St. Memphis, TN  38104
Phone: 901-320-5330 
Mobile: 901-569-2776 
FirstNet: 901-722-1111
Email: john.oconnor@memphistn.gov

John W. Johnson
State of Tennessee, Retired
Public Safety Radio Communications Specialist
4130 Azalea Court Murfreesboro, TN 37128
Phone: 615-604-3683
Email: publicsafetyradio@comcast.net

Region 40: Texas-Dallas 

Jonathan "CJ" Holt
Radio Systems Manager, Information & Technology Services
3131 Dawson Dallas, Texas  75226
Phone: 214-670-7979
Mobile: 817-988-2408
Barry Turner
Vice Chairperson
Manager Radio Operations
Public Safety Technology
Frisco Police Department
Phone: 214-334-6847
Email: bturner@friscotexas.gov

Region 41: Utah 

Dan Dialogue
UCA Assistant Director, Radio Network Division
5215 Wiley Post Way #550, Salt Lake City, UT  84116
Phone: 801-840-4200

Region 42: Virginia (all except area in Region 20) 

Rodney W. Thompson
Roanoke County Comm-IT Communications Coordinator
5925 Cove Road, Roanoke, VA. 24019
Phone: (540) 777-8556
Fax: (540)777-9771

Curtis J. Shaffer
Hanover County Emergency Communications Department
PO Box 470 7501 Library Drive, Hanover, VA 23069
Phone:  804-365-6142
Email: cjshaffer@hanovercounty.gov

Region 43: Washington 

Debra L. Davis
800 MHz RPC c/o Port of Seattle Radio Communications
Seattle-Tacoma International Airport
PO Box 68727 Seattle, WA  98168-0727 
Phone: 206-787-5193 
mobile: 206-947-7734 
Email: davis.d@portseattle.org

Howard Tucker
Snohomish County 911
1121 SE Everett Mall Way, Suite 200, Everett, WA  98208
Phone: 360-722-0522
Email: htucker@sno911.org

Paul Ross
4100 194th St SW Suite 400 Lynnwood WA  98036-4613
Phone: 206-224-3684 
mobile: 206-510-7285 
Email: paul.roos@stantec.com

Region 44: West Virginia 

David W. Saffel  
393 Pinewood Dr, Elkins, WV  26241-7414
Phone:  304-614-2619
Email:  dwsaffel@suddenlink.net

Region 45: Wisconsin (all except area in Region 54) 

Russell Schreiner  
Communications Engineering, City of Sheboygan Police Department 
828 Center Ave., Sheboygan, WI 53081  
Phone: 920-459-3351  
Fax: 920-459-0205 
Email: rschreiner@ci.sheboygan.wi.us 

George Macias
Communications & Electronics Technician/COMT
Sheboygan County Sheriff's Office
525 North 6th St, Sheboygan, WI  53081
Phone:  920-459-0558
Mobile:  920-889-4720
Email:  george.macias@sheboygancounty.com

James Langer
Wisconsin State Patrol - South East Region
21115 E. Moreland Blvd., Waukesha, WI  53186
Phone: 262-785-4700 x2033
Mobile: 608-590-8470
FirstNet:  262-337-4500
Email: james.langer@sheboyganwi.gov

James Westover
Frequency Specialist
COML/COMT Wisconsin State Patrol Headquarters, Bureau of Network Engineering and Data Infrastructure
Phone:  608-709-0095
Email:  jamesl2.westover@dot.wi.gov

Region 46: Wyoming 

Mark Kelly 
Chairperson Emergency Communications
Program Manager, Wyoming Department of Transportation 
5300 Bishop Blvd, Cheyenne, WY 82009 
Phone: 307-777-4224 
Fax: 307-777-4764 
Email: mark.kelly@wyo.gov 

Region 47: Puerto Rico 

Ferdinand Cedeno  
Project Supervisor, Puerto Rico Highway and Transportation Authority  
PO Box 3858, Bayamon Gardens Station, Bayamon, PR 00958  
Phone: 787-504-7110  
Fax: 787-721-7105  
Email: Ferdinand.cedeno@gmail.com 

Region 48: US Virgin Islands 

Ruben Molloy 
8000 Nisky Shopping Center Suite 600, St. Thomas VI 00802  
Phone: 340-774-1013 
 Fax: 340-774-1490 
 Email: ruben.molloy@bit.vi.gov 

BG Elton Lewis, CEM  
800 MHz RPC Director for Virgin Islands Emergency Management Agency (VITEMA) Homeland Security Advisor, Government of the United States Virgin Islands  
2164 King Cross Street, Christiansted, VI 00820  
Phone: 340-773-2244 x210  
mobile: 340-332-1257  
Email: elton.lewis@vitema.vi.gov 

Adelle S. Williams  
Radio Frequency Technician 
8221 Nisky, St. Thomas, VI 00802  
Phone: 340-774-2244 x6824  
Email: adelle.williams@vitema.vi.gov 

Region 49: Texas-Austin 

Brad Bearden
Phone: 512-413-2091
Mike Simpson
City of Austin Wireless Communication Services Division
1006 Smith Rd, Austin, TX  78721 
Phone: 512-972-3232
Mobile: 512-413-4009 
Email: mike.simpson@austintexas.gov


Region 50: Texas-El Paso

Toby Virden
Homeland Security Planner West Central Texas Council of Governments
3702 Loop 322 Abilene, TX 79602
phone:  325-672-8544 Ext 120 
phone 2:  325-793-8420
fax:  325-793-8483 
email:  tvirden@westcentraltexas.org

Dow Ferguson
Sterling County Assistant EMC Fire Chief
PO Box 577 Sterling City, TX 76951
phone:  325-242-5775
email: d.ferguson@co.sterling.tx.us



Region 51: Texas-Houston 

Mark Howell
City of Houston HITS Public Safety Communications
2318 Green Rd., Houston, TX  77032
phone:  281-714-9365
email:  mark.howell@houstontx.gov

Region 52: Texas-Lubbock 

John Kiehl  
Regional Services Director Panhandle Regional Planning Commission  
415 SW 8th Ave., Amarillo, TX 79101-2215  
Phone: 806-372-3381  
Fax: 806-373-3268  
Email: jkiehl@prpc.cog.tx.ust 

Region 53: Texas-San Antonio 

Robert M. Adelman
Special Projects & Technology Officer
Olmos Park Police Department
Phone: 210-300-7101
Randy Ashely
Communications Manager
City of McAllen
Phone:  956-681-1444
mobile:  956-607-3250
Email:  rashley@mcallen.net
Stephen C. Sample
Technical Project Lead - Public Safety
Bexar County Information Technology
Phone: 210-335-0121
mobile: 210-289-8567
Email:  stephen.sample@bexar.org

Region 54: Chicago-Metropolitan 

James Westover
Phone:  608-709-0095
Carl Guse
Vice Chair
Phone: 920-210-4455
Email:  crguse@gmail.com
Ned Jacklin
Email: nedr54@sbcglobal.net

Region 55: New York-Buffalo 

Andrew Sweezy
New York State Police
1220 Washington Ave BLDG 22
Phone: 607-221-6006
Email: andrew.sweezy@troopers.ny.gov

Mr. Marc Kasprzak 
Niagara County
Director of Emergency Communications
PO Box 496, 5526 Niagara Street Extension Lockport, NY 14095
Phone: 716-438-3138 
Email: marc.kasprzak@nagaracounty.com

Allen Turner
Orleans County, Communications Coordinator
13925 Rt. 31, Albion, NY  14411
Phone:  585-5904171
Fax: 585-589-6761
Email:  allen.turner@orleanscountyny.gov




Tuesday, January 28, 2025