August 28, 2023 - Public Notice
CORES is Open for Payment of FY 2023 Regulatory Fees

August 10, 2023 - Report and Order
FY 2023 Regulatory Fees Report and Order

May 15, 2023 - Notice of Proposed Rulemaking
FY 2023 Regulatory Fees Notice of Proposed Rulemaking

September 29, 2022 - Public Notice
FY 2022 Regulatory Fees Waiver Public Notice

September 28, 2022 - Public Notice
Fiscal Year 2022 Regulatory Fee Filing Deadline is Extended to Friday, September 30, 2022, for All Regulatory Fee Payors

September 21, 2022 - Public Notice
Por huracán Fiona: Se extiende plazo de presentación de cargo normativo para el Año Fiscal 2022

September 20, 2022 - Public Notice
FY 2022 Regulatory Fee Filing Deadline is Extended Because of Fiona

September 8, 2022 - Public Notice
CORES is Open for Payment of FY 2022 Regulatory Fees

September 2, 2022 - Report & Order
Assessment and Collection of Regulatory Fees for Fiscal Year 2022

July 20, 2022 - Public Notice
FY 2022 ITSP and CMRS Data is Now Available for Viewing in CORES

June 7, 2022 - Erratum
Regulatory Fees for Fiscal Year 2022

June 2, 2022 - NPRM
Assessment and Collection of Regulatory Fees for Fiscal Year 2022

December 1, 2021 - Public Notice
Replacement of Fee Filer with New Commission Payment Module

September 27, 2021 - Erratum
Procedures for Filing Requests of FY 2021 Regulatory Fees

September 24, 2021 - Public Notice
FY 2021 Regulatory Fees Due Date is Extended to September 27, 2021

September 13, 2021 - Fact Sheet
FY 2021 Media Services Look-Up is Now Available

September 8, 2021 - Erratum
Assessment and Collection of Regulatory Fees for FY 2021

September 7, 2021 - Public Notice
Fee Filer is Open for FY 2021 Regulatory Fees

August 26, 2021 - R&O/NPRM
FCC Adopts Assessment and Collection of FY2021 Regulatory Fees

July 23, 2021 - Public Notice
FY 2021 ITSP and CMRS Viewing

May 4, 2021 - R&O/NPRM
Assessment and Collection of Regulatory Fees for Fiscal Year 2021

September 24, 2020 – Public Notice
FY 2020 Regulatory Fee Due Date is Extended to September 28, 2020

September 4, 2020 – Public Notice
Coronavirus Pandemic Waiver Procedures for FY 2020 Regulatory Fees

September 4, 2020 – Public Notice
Public Notice Announcing Opening of Fee Filer for FY 2020

August 31, 2020 - R&O/NPRM
Assessment and Collection of Regulatory Fees for Fiscal Year 2020

August 17, 2020 – Public Notice
Fiscal Year (FY) 2020 ITSP and CMRS Regulatory Fee Data Are Now Available for Viewing in Fee Filer

May 13, 2020 - R&O/NPRM
FCC Makes Regulatory Fee Rules Fairer and Initiates FY2020 Process

November 15, 2019 - Order
Order Extending the Comment and Reply Periods for the FY 2019 Regulatory Fee Further Notice of Proposed Rulemaking

October 23, 2019 - Public Notice
Regulatory Fee Further Notice Published in Federal Register

September 23, 2019 - Public Notice
FY 2019 Regulatory Fees Extended to Friday, September 27, 2019

August 30 , 2019 - Erratum
Assessment and Collection of Regulatory Fees for 2019

August 28, 2019 - Public Notice
Fee Filer is Open for Payment and the Due Date is September 24, 2019

August 27, 2019 - R&O/NPRM
Assessment and Collection of Regulatory Fees for Fiscal Year 2019

August 27, 2019 - Spread Sheet
Appendix J - FY 2019 Television Station Regulatory Fees by Call Sign

August 9, 2019 - Public Notice
FY 2019 ITSP and CMRS Regulatory Fee Data is Available for Viewing

May 31, 2019 - Erratum
Assessment and Collection of Regulatory Fees for FY 2019

May 8, 2019 - NPRM
Assessment and Collection of Regulatory Fees for Fiscal Year 2019

April 18, 2019 - Spread Sheet
Appendix C: FY 2019 TV Listing of Regulatory Fees by Call Sign

September 21, 2018 - Public Notice
Due Date Extended for Regulatees Affected by Hurricane Florence

September 14, 2018 - Public Notice
Effective Date of FY 2018 Regulatory Fees

September 4, 2018 - Public Notice
FY 2018 Submarine Cable Regulatory Fee Public Notice

August 29, 2018 - Report & Order and Order
Assessment and Collection of Regulatory Fees for Fiscal Year 2018

August 9, 2018 - Public Notice
FY 2018 ITSP and CMRS Regulatory Fee Data is Available for Viewing

June 7, 2018 - Fact Sheet
Full Service TV Stations with Populations

May 22, 2018 - NPRM
FY 2018 Regulatory Fees

November 1, 2017 - Public Notice
Comment and Reply Comment Dates of the FY 2017 FNPRM

September 27, 2017 - Public Notice
Regulatory Fee Window is Extended to 9/29/17 Due to Hurricane Maria

September 22, 2017 - Public Notice
Effective Date of FY 2017 Regulatory Fees

September 15, 2017 - Public Notice
Extension of Filing Window for Harvey & Irma Hurricane Regulatees

September 5, 2017 - Public Notice
Fee Filer Payment System is Open

September 5, 2017 - R&O/FNPRM
Assessment and Collection of Regulatory Fees for Fiscal Year 2017

August 4, 2017 - Public Notice
FY 2017 ITSP and CMRS Data Ready for Viewing

May 23, 2017 - NPRM
FY 2017 Regulatory Fees

September 22, 2016 - Public Notice
Effective Date of FY 2016 Regulatory Fees

September 2, 2016 - Report & Order
Assessment and Collection of Regulatory Fees for Fiscal Year 2016

August 2, 2016 - Public Notice
FY 2016 ITSP and CMRS Regulatory Fee Data Are Ready for Viewing

May 19, 2016 - NPRM
Proposed FY 2016 Regulatory Fees

September 11, 2015 - Public Notice
FY 2015 Payments and Procedures Public Notice for Regulatory Fees

September 2, 2015 - Public Notice
Fee Filer is Now Open to Accept FY 2015 Regulatory Fee Payments

September 2, 2015 - R&O/FNPRM
Assessment and Collection of Regulatory Fees for Fiscal Year 2015

August 18, 2015 - Public Notice
FY 2015 ITSP and CMRS Data Available for Viewing

May 21, 2015 - NPRM, R&O and Order
Proposed FY 2015 Regulatory Fees

October 27, 2014 - Public Notice
Publication of FY 2014 FNPRM in the Federal Register

September 11, 2014 - Public Notice
Effective Date of FY 2014 Regulatory Fees

September 5, 2014 - Public Notice
FY 2014 Payments and Procedures

August 29, 2014 - R&O/NPRM
Assessment and Collection of Regulatory Fees for Fiscal Year 2014

August 29, 2014 - Public Notice
Fee Filer Is Open For Payment of FY 2014 Regulatory Fees

August 14, 2014 - Public Notice
FY 2014 and CMRS Regulatory Fee Data Available for Viewing

July 11, 2014 - Order
Extension of Reply Comment Due Date to July 21, 2014

June 13, 2014 - NPRM, FNPRM & Order
Proposed FY 2014 Regulatory Fees

September 4, 2013 - Public Notice
FY 2013 Payments and Procedures Public Notice

August 23, 2013 - Public Notice
Muti-Year Wireless Fees Are Effective on August 23, 2013

August 12, 2013 - Report & Order
FY 2013 Regulatory Fees Report & Order

May 23, 2013 - NPRM, FNPRM
Proposed FY 2013 Regulatory Fees

September 24, 2012 - Public Notice
Commission Seeks Comment on GAO Report and Extends Reply Comment Deadline to October 23, 2012

August 31 2012 - Public Notice
Reminder That FY 2012 Regulatory Fees are Due on September 13, 2012

August 13 2012 - Public Notice
Payment Methods and Procedures for Fiscal Year 2012 Regulatory Fees

August 13 2012 - Public Notice
FY 2012 Regulatory Fees Due No Later Than September 13, 2012, Eastern Time (ET)

August 13 2012 - Public Notice
Fee Filer Mandatory for FY 2012 Regulatory Fee

July 19 2012 - Report & Order
FY 2012 Regulatory Fees Report & Order

July 17 2012 - NPRM
FY 2012 Regulatory Fee Reform

May 04 2012 - NPRM
Assessment and Collection of Regulatory Fees for Fiscal Year 2012

