The FCC’s International Bureau released its annual circuit status report for U.S facilities-based international common carriers. The 2011 report shows the use of U.S. - international facilities for international telephone calls, private line services and other services from the United States grew by 18% from 2010 to 2011. The reported number of activated 64 Kbps equivalent circuits at the end of 2011 totaled 28.8 million circuits, as compared to 24.4 million circuits in 2010.

The report relies on information provided by U.S. facilities-based international common carriers and covers U.S. undersea cables, satellites and terrestrial links. It identifies the activated (in-service) and idle (available, but not in-service) circuits for each international point as of December 31, 2011. Additionally, for purposes of comparison, this report incorporates historical data from the 2008-2010 circuit status reports.

Report Series:
Date Last Updated or Reviewed: Fri, 03/11/2016