
October 30, 2001 - December 5, 2001
Bidding Days:
Qualified Bidders:
Winning Bidders:
182 bidders won 5323 licenses
Gross Bids:
Net Bids:
Spreadsheets Files
Charts Files
Maps & Band Plans
Band Plans Files
General Information

ULS Paging Database Downloads
For additional information see Paging.

Fact Sheet


Auction 40 began on 10/30/2001 and closed on 12/5/2001.
Round 140 (See PN DA 01-2858)

14,000 lower bands paging licenses offered in 175 Economic Areas (EAs).
1,514 upper bands paging licenses offered in 51 Major Economic Areas (MEAs) that were unsold in Auction No. 26.
Refer to the Major Economic Areas (MEAs) Map and
Economic Areas (EA) Map.

35-36 MHz Band (unpaired): 2,800 licenses
43-44 MHz Band (unpaired): 2,800 licenses
152 & 158 MHz Band (unpaired): 700 licenses
152-159 MHz Band (paired): 3,150 licenses
454-460 MHz Band (paired): 4,550 licenses
929-930 MHz Band: 323 licenses
931-932 MHz Band: 1,191 licenses


Total Bandwidth: 2.120 MHz (2,120 kHz) (929 MHz and 931 MHz not included) See table below.

Winning Bidders:
182 bidders won 5323 licenses
Qualified Bidders:
Licenses Won:
Total Licenses:
Net Bids:
Gross Bids:


General information and associated licensing parameters are provided below. Public Notices provide specific information regarding this auction. This fact sheet includes:

Pre-Auction Seminar
Form 175 (Short Form) Application Filing Deadline
9/17/2001; 6:00 pm ET
Upfront Payments Deadline (Wire Transfer)
10/5/2001; 6:00 pm ET
Mock Auction
Auction Start
Auction Closed

14,000 lower band licenses (35-36 MHz, 43-44 MHz, 152-159 MHz, and 454-460 MHz) were offered in each of the 175 geographic areas known as Economic Areas (EAs). In addition, 1,514 upper band licenses (929-931 MHz) were offered in 51 geographic areas known as Major Economic Areas (MEAs), that were unsold in the first paging auction (Auction #26).

35 MHzCA - CP20 kHz, 175 EAs (total 320 kHz)
43 MHzDA - DP20 kHz, 175 EAs (total 320 kHz)
152 MHz & 158 MHz unpairedEA - ED20 kHz, 175 EAs (total 80 kHz)
158 MHz pairedFA - FR40 kHz (2 x 20 kHz), 175 EAs (total 360 kHz)
454 MHzGA - GZ40 kHz (2 x 20 kHz), 175 EAs (total 1040 kHz)
931 MHzAA - BK20 kHz licence in each of 51 MEAs
929 MHzA - L20 kHz license in each of 51 MEAs
Type# of Licenses Won
152 MHz Paired1443
152 MHz Unpaired343
35 MHz707
43 MHz33
454 MHz2611
929 MHz40
931 MHz146

The frequency bands are allocated for paging services. Licenses are to use the spectrum to provide: (1) one-way messaging; (2) two-way messaging; and (3) fixed wireless services. Provision of these services is subject to the technical limitations set forth for the service in Part 22 (Part 90 for 929 MHz exclusive channels).

Paging systems are traditionally one-way signaling systems. Paging services, grouped by output, include; tone, tone/voice, numeric, and alphanumeric. Present systems are of two basic types; a wide-area general-use type providing subscription service to the public, and, an in-building, private, paging system, limited to a commercial building or the general area of a manufacturing plant. Currently, neither of these paging systems can initiate an answer without calling through a landline telephone. However, in 1996, the Commission adopted the First Report and Order in the flexible spectrum use proceeding, in which several CMRS bands were allocated to the fixed service on a co-primary basis. The Commission concluded that the public interest would be served by giving CMRS licensees, including paging licensees, maximum flexibility to offer all types of fixed, mobile, and hybrid services.

CMRS licenses are issued for a ten-year term from the initial license grant date. A licensee of a geographic area is required to provide coverage to one-third of the population in its area within three years of the license grant, and to two-thirds of the population within its area within five years of the license grant. In the alternative, the licensee may provide substantial service to the geographic license area within five years of license grant. See CMRS Third Report and Order (zip).

A winning bidder that intends to use its license(s) to deploy facilities and provide services to federally-recognized tribal lands that are unserved by any telecommunications carrier or that have a telephone service penetration rate equal to or below 70 percent is eligible to receive a tribal land bidding credit as set forth in 47 C.F.R. § 1.2107 and 1.2110(e). A tribal land bidding credit is in addition to, and separate from, any other bidding credit for which a winning bidder may qualify.

Unlike other bidding credits that are requested prior to the auction, a winning bidder applies for the tribal land bidding credit after winning the auction when it files its long-form application (FCC Form 601). In order for a winning bidder to be awarded a tribal land bidding credit, it must provide specific certifications regarding the servicing of tribal lands and is subject to specific performance criteria as set forth in 47 C.F.R. § 1.2110(e).

Additional information on the tribal land bidding credit, including how the amount of the credit is calculated, can be found on the Tribal Land Bidding Credits page.

Incumbent (non-geographic) paging licensees operating under their existing authorizations are entitled to full protection from co-channel interference. Geographic area licensees are likewise afforded co-channel interference protection from incumbent licensees. Adjacent geographic area licensees are obligated to resolve possible interference concerns of adjacent geographic area licensees by negotiating a mutually acceptable agreement with the neighboring geographic licensee.

Releases P

Lower and Upper Paging Bands Auction Closes
This Public Notice announces Auction No. 40 closes and identifies the winning bidders.

Lower and Upper Paging Bands Auction Correction of Typographical Error in Table Listing FM and FN Channel Block Frequencies
This Public Notice corrects an error regarding the channel block frequencies in a table listing licenses available in Auction No. 40.

Auction of Licenses for Lower and Upper Paging Bands
This Public Notice identifies 193 applicants found to be qualified to bid in Auction No. 40 scheduled to begin on Tuesday, October 30, 2001.

Supplemental Due Diligence Announcement
This Public Notice provides additional information to the potential bidders in the upcoming auction of license for the lower and upper paging bands.

Lower and Upper Paging Bands Auction Scheduled for October 30, 2001; Round Result File Format
This Public Notice provides file formats for the round results that will be uploaded to the FCC Internet site after each round of Auction No. 40. This information should be helpful to bidders planning to conduct detailed analysis of the round results data.

Auction of Licenses for Lower and Upper Paging Bands; Status of FCC Form 175 Applications to Participate in the Auction
This Public Notice announces the status of 218 applications that the Commission received for participation in Auction No. 40 scheduled to begin on Tuesday, October 30, 2001.
Supplemental File: pdf

WTB Staff Provides Guidance on Completing the Short-Form Application (FCC Form 175) for Auction No. 40, Auction of Licenses for Lower and Upper Paging Bands
This Public Notice provides guidance on completing the short-form application, FCC Form 175, for Auction No. 40.

Supplemental Due Diligence Announcement for the Upcoming Auction of Licenses for the Lower and Upper Paging Bands Scheduled for October 30, 
This Public Notice includes supplemental due diligence for the upcoming auction of Lower and Upper Paging Band licenses beginning October 30, 2001.

Lower and Upper Paging Bands Auction Scheduled for October 30, 2001 - Technical Modifications Regarding Acceptable Bids, Bidder Seminar Scheduled for September 5, 2001
This Public Notice announces technical modifications to previously released information as well as new dates and deadlines with respect to Auction No. 40.
Preauction Bidder Seminar Presentations: pdf
Technical Issues: pdf
Overview of Auction Rules & Payment Procedures: pdf
Wire Transfer & Payment Process: pdf
Overview of Auction Process &FCC Remote Bidding System (Definitions): pdf

Auction of Licenses for Lower and Upper Paging Bands Postponed Until October 30, 2001
This Public Notice announces that the start of the upcoming auction of lower and upper paging bands, scheduled for June 26, 2001, is postponed until October 30, 2001, due to the need for additional testing on newly developed Web-based software.

Lower and Upper Paging Bands Auction Correction on Labeling for Licenses in the 152 MHz and 158 MHz Lower Bands Unpaired Paging Channels
This Public Notice corrects the heading on a table listing licenses available in Auction No. 40.

Due Diligence Announcement for the Upcoming Auction of Licenses for the Lower and Upper Paging Bands Scheduled for June 26, 2001
This Public Notice provides due diligence information, as of May 2, 2001, for potential bidders in the upcoming auction of licenses for the lower and upper paging bands, scheduled for June 26, 2001.

Lower and Upper Paging Bands Auction Scheduled for June 26, 2001; Pre-Auction Seminar Reminder
This Public Notice announces a one-day seminar for Auction No. 40 applicants. The seminar will provide information about pre-auction procedures, service and auction rules, conduct of the auction, and the Automated Auction System.

Lower and Upper Paging Bands Auctions Scheduled for June 26, 2001; Notice and Filing Requirements, Minimum Opening Bids, Upfront Payments and Other Procedural Issues
This Public Notice announces the procedures and minimum opening bids for the upcoming auction of licenses for the lower and upper paging bands (Auction #40) scheduled for June 26, 2001.
Attachment A: xls

Auction of Licenses for the Lower and Upper Paging Bands Scheduled for June 26, 2001
This Public Notice seeks comment on reserve prices or minimum opening bids and other auction procedural issues.

Releases L

LETTER (DA 12-968)
Eligibility for Refund of Amount on Deposit for Auction 40, Ozark Paging, LLC
Notified Ozark Paging, LLC of the availability of a refund of funds on deposit in connection with its participation in Auction 40.

LETTER (DA 12-441)
Final Default Obligation for Auction 40, Golden Arrow Paging, Inc.
Assessed a final default payment obligation as computed in Attachment A to Golden Arrow Paging, Inc.

LETTER (DA 09-1399)
Letter to Ozark Paging, LLC
Final Withdrawal and Interim and Final Default Obligation for Auction 40.

LETTER (DA 07-3523)
Golden Arrow Paging, Inc., Re: Interim Default Payment Obligations for Auction No. 40
Provided notice of the interim default payment obligations for Golden Arrow Paging, Inc. with respect to its defaults arising out of a Commission auction of Lower and Upper Paging Band licenses (Auction No. 40)

LETTER (DA 07-405)
Golden Arrow Paging, Inc
The WTB responds to a request from Golden Arrow Paging, Inc., concerning its Final Bid Withdrawal Payment for Auction No. 40.

LETTER (DA 07-406)
Telebeeper of New Mexico, Inc
The WTB responds to request from Telebeeper of New Mexico, Inc., concerning its Final Withdrawal Payment for Auction No. 40.

LETTER (DA 06-2175)
Final Bid Withdrawal Payments for Auction No. 40, Superior Technologies, Inc.

LETTER (DA 06-2164)
Final Bid Withdrawal Payments for Auction No. 40, NEP, LLC

LETTER (DA 06-2156)
Final Bid Withdrawal Payments for Auction No. 40, Lemar D. Van Heuvein

LETTER (DA 06-2143)
Final Bid Withdrawal Payments for Auction No. 40, FCCA, LLC

LETTER (DA 06-2129)
Final Bid Withdrawal Payments for Auction No. 40, Arthur R. Patrick

LETTER (DA 06-2168)
Final Bid Withdrawal Payments for Auction No. 40, Paging Systems, Inc.

LETTER (DA 06-2132)
Final Bid Withdrawal Payments for Auction No. 40, Bob Jacobson d/b/a Wavercomm

LETTER (DA 06-2122)
Final Bid Withdrawal Payment for Auction No. 26, 1001 Lockwood, Inc.

LETTER (DA 06-2124)
Final Bid Withdrawal Payment for Auction No. 40, AAA Mid Atlantic

LETTER (DA 06-2128)
Final Bid Withdrawal Payments for Auction No. 40, Alpha Communications Sites, Inc.

LETTER (DA 06-2133)
Final Bid Withdrawal Payments for Auction No. 40, Bobier Electronics, Inc.

LETTER (DA 06-2151)
Final Bid Withdrawal Payments for Auction No. 40, Kathleen Janssen

LETTER (DA 06-2152)
Final Bid Withdrawal Payment for Auction No. 40, JPJ Electronic Communications, Inc. Rene Matthew Corp.

LETTER (DA 06-2153)
Final Bid Withdrawal Payment for Auction No. 40, JSM Net Link LLC

LETTER (DA 06-2160)
Final Bid Withdrawal Payment for Auction No. 40, Joseph B. McNeal

LETTER (DA 06-2161)
Final Bid Withdrawal Payment for Auction No. 40, Mobile Relay Associates

LETTER (DA 06-2167)
Final Bid Withdrawal Payments for Auction No. 40, Richard Oberdorfer

LETTER (DA 06-2172)
Final Bid Withdrawal Payment for Auction No. 40, Karl A. Rinker

LETTER (DA 05-13)
Letter to Mr. Charles H. Beard, Communications Sales and Service, Inc; Re: Final Bid Withdrawal Payment for Auction No. 40
Auction No. 40 final bid withdrawal payment for Communications Sales and Services, Inc.

LETTER (DA 05-12)
Letter to Mr. Philip D.Vanderhoof, TeleBeeper of New Mexico, Inc; Re: Final Bid Withdrawal Payment for Auction No. 40
Auction No. 40 final bid withdrawal payment for TeleBeeper of New Mexico, Inc.

LETTER (DA 05-10)
Letter to Scott C.MacIntyre; Re: Final Bid Withdrawal Payment for Auction No. 40
Auction No. 40 final bid withdrawal payment calculation for Scott C. MacIntyre.

LETTER (DA 05-9)
Letter to Mr. Robert J. Fettermann; Re: Final Bid Withdrawal Payment for Auction No. 40
Auction No. 40 final bid withdrawal payment calculation for Robert J. Fetterman.

LETTER (DA 05-8)
Letter to Mr. Jim Doering, d/b/a J. Doering Communications; Re: Final Bid Withdrawal Payment for Auction No. 40
Auction No. 40 final bid withdrawal payment calculation for J. Doering Communications.

LETTER (DA 04-3695)
Letter to Arthur Nathan Sherman
This letter assesses the final bid withdrawal payment for Auction No. 40.

LETTER (DA 04-3697)
Letter to Jon D. Word, President, Select Path Holding, Inc.
This letter assesses the final bid withdrawal payment for Auction No. 40.

LETTER (DA 04-3535)
Letter to Mr. Kent S. Foster, President, Golden Arrow Paging, Inc.
This letter assesses the final bid withdrawal payment for Auction No. 40.

LETTER (FCC 04-3590)
Letter to James N. Clark, President, Communications Equipment, Inc.
This letter assesses the final bid withdrawal payment for Auction No. 40.

LETTER (FCC 04-3591)
Letter to Daniel Pohlman, Baycom, Inc.
This letter assesses the final bid withdrawal payment for Auction No. 40.

LETTER (DA 02-1889)
Timothy E. Welch, Hill & Welch
This letter denies Mobilefone's petition seeking reconsideration of the Division's denial of a bidding credit for licenses won in Auction No. 40.

LETTER (DA 01-2472)
Lissa Robart on behalf of Paul L. Valois
This letter responds to the request for confidential treatment of information contained in Paul L. Valois' FCC Form 175 application to participate in Auction No. 40.

LETTER (DA 01-2471)
Larry Shaefer, FastAds, Inc.
This letter acknowledges receipt of electronic mail on behalf of FastAds, Inc. withdrawing their request for confidential treatment of information contained in Exhibit C to its FCC Form 175 application to participate in Auction No. 40.

LETTER (DA 01-2467)
James K. Young, Awesome Paging, Inc.
This letter denies Awesome Paging, Inc.'s request for a waiver of the deadline for filing a short-form application (FCC Form 175) to participate in the upcoming auction of licenses for the lower and upper paging bands (Auction No. 40).

LETTER (DA 01-2466)
Alendra Lyons, Lynn Communication, Inc.
This letter denies Lynn Communication Inc.'s request for a waiver of the filing deadline for submission of its short-form application (FCC Form 175) for Auction No. 40.

Releases O

In the Matter of Petition for Reconsideration of Mobilfone Service, Inc. Application for Bidding Credit In Auction No. 40
This Order denies the September 3, 2002 Petition for Reconsideration filed on behalf of Mobilfone Service, Inc.

No results here for this auction.

No results here for this auction.

No results here for this auction.

Auction Seminar
