Position 1 of 2: Consumer and Governmental Affairs Bureau Legal Intern

CGB Legal Interns generally will be given assignments related to projects arising from the work of CGB's Consumer Policy Division (CPD), Disability Rights Office (DRO), Office of Native Affairs and Policy (ONAP), and Office of Intergovernmental Affairs (IGA).

CPD is responsible for the development of consumer policy concerning Commission-regulated entities, in areas such as transparency and consumer disclosures. Through rulemakings and orders for which it has primary responsibility, and by commenting on rulemakings and orders originated by other Bureaus and Offices, CPD ensures that consumer interests are considered in all Commission policymaking activities. DRO addresses disability-related telecommunications matters, including telecommunications relay services (TRS), access to telecommunications equipment and services by persons with disabilities, closed captioning, and access to emergency information. ONAP's work focuses on promoting the deployment and adoption of communication services and technologies in Native communities and on Tribal Lands. IGA serves as the Commission's liaison to state and local governments, and other federal regulatory agencies. Its goal is to foster a better understanding of FCC programs, policies, rules, and decisions; facilitate a two-way exchange of information and communications on telecommunications issues; and promote consultation, cooperation, and coordination in areas of overlapping jurisdiction.

Some interns may focus primarily or solely on the work of one Division/Office, and some may receive assignments from a variety of them. Interns also may be given assignments related to special projects arising out of the Office of the Bureau Chief.

Internship Period(s): Fall, Spring and Summer Semesters.

General Duties: Interns will have the opportunity to engage in legal research and writing in conjunction with rulemakings or in support of the work of various Task Forces. They also may be given assignments related to special projects on an ad hoc basis. In addition, they may gain experience reviewing and analyzing trends in consumer inquiries and complaints, as well as comments filed by industry, other governmental entities, and consumers as part of the rulemaking process.

Selection Criteria: Law students (full or part-time).

Send Application to CGBInterns@fcc.gov.

Application Information: Cover letter, resumé, writing sample, and unofficial transcript.

Additional Information: The FCC provides internship opportunities to students who are supported by fellowship or stipend funding or are receiving credit from an educational institution. Please include in your cover letter the term for which you are applying and the dates you are available to participate. Part-time internships may be considered. For more information, please email CGBInterns@fcc.gov.

Application Deadline: Rolling Basis.

Position 2 of 2: Consumer and Governmental Affairs Bureau Non-Legal Intern 

CGB Non-Legal Interns generally will be given assignments related to projects arising from the work of CGB's Consumer Affairs and Outreach Division (CAOD), the Web and Print Publishing Division (WPPD), and the Office of Native Affairs and Policy (ONAP).

CAOD develops and conducts consumer outreach and education initiatives to inform the public about important Commission regulatory programs. WPPD is responsible for researching, writing, designing and developing electronic and print materials to communicate information on the policies, rulemakings, programs and plans of the FCC, as well as information consumers need to make choices in a competitive communications marketplace. ONAP works to promote the deployment and adoption of communication services and technologies in Native communities and on Tribal Lands.

Some interns may focus primarily or solely on the work of one Division/Office, and some may receive assignments from a variety of them. Interns also may be given assignments related to special projects from the Office of the Bureau Chief and other CGB divisions and offices.

Internship Period(s): Fall, Spring and Summer Semesters. 

General Duties: Intern duties include, but are not limited to, conducting research, developing consumer education and outreach plans, drafting print and web materials used in outreach programs, creating and updating databases, writing reports, providing staff support at public meetings and events, and compiling and analyzing data. This unpaid internship is an excellent opportunity for students who want to use and improve their writing, presentation, interpersonal, and analytical skills.

Selection Criteria: Undergraduate and graduate students. Candidates must have strong writing and communication skills and the ability to think creatively. Marketing or public relations skills are useful.

Send Application to: CGBInterns@fcc.gov.

Application Information: Cover letter, resumé, writing sample, and unofficial transcript.

Additional Information: The FCC provides internship opportunities to students who are supported by fellowship or stipend funding or are receiving credit from an educational institution. Please include in your cover letter the term for which you are applying and the dates you are available to participate. Part-time internships may be considered. For more information, please email CGBInterns@fcc.gov.

Application Deadline: Rolling Basis.

Friday, August 23, 2024