The mission of the Office of Audits (OA) is to conduct audits, inspections, and evaluations to assess the integrity, efficiency and effectiveness of the programs administered by the FCC and its components. The results of the work we perform assist the FCC in providing reasonable assurance and promoting accountability and transparency for the agency’s operations and programs.

At the Office of Audits (OA), we are organized into three divisions:

  • the Financial and Program Audit Division (FPAD)
  • the Information Technology (IT) and Program Audit Division (IPAD)
  • the Quality Assurance (QA) and Policy Audit Division (QPAD)

FPAD and IPAD use in-house staff and contract resources to perform audits, evaluations, inspections, and other special projects. See Published Audit Reports.

QPAD supports FPAD and IPAD by determining if their work meets GAO Yellow Book and CIGIE Blue Book standards; and by maintaining audit manual policy to ensure compliance with professional standards.

OA’s first responsibility is to ensure that we satisfy all statutorily mandated audit and evaluation requirements. We oversee annual reviews of FCC’s financial statements, improper payment reporting, and federal information security management. We also perform other non-recurring periodic mandates. With our remaining OA resources, FPAD and IPAD perform audits, inspections, and evaluations of FCC programs and operations that determine whether FCC programs achieve their intended results effectively and efficiently.

To ensure our work is efficient and cost effective, we plan and produce the OA audit plan every two years. All three OA divisions are involved in the audit planning process. The staff develop discretionary project proposals. We use a risk-based approach to assess each proposal and select the most effective audits, inspections, and evaluations for the bi-annual audit plan.

In addition to our audit plan, audit work may originate from stakeholders’ requests and referrals. We also coordinate with the Office of Investigation and external stakeholders, such as GAO, when planning projects to avoid duplication and ensure adequate coverage of critical topics.

 Information about Key Audit Areas

Financial and Program Audit Division (FPAD)

The FPAD Deputy Assistant Inspector General (AIG) for Audit and their team are responsible for the following areas:

Financial Statement, Charge Card, Payment Integrity and Information Act, Supply Chain Reimbursement Program, Television Broadcasters Relocation Fund, Auctions, Regulatory Fees, Affordable Connectivity Program, Universal Service Fund (USF)-Lifeline, USF-Contributions, and other related FCC program areas.

IT and Program Audit Division (IPAD)

The IPAD Deputy AIG for Audit and their team are responsible for the following areas:

Federal Information Security Modernization Act (FISMA), Privacy & Data Protection, Broadband Mapping, USF-High Cost, Telecommunications Relay Services (TRS), Licensing, USF-Schools and Libraries (E-Rate), Emergency Connectivity Fund, Telehealth, USF-Rural Health Care, Connected Care and other related FCC program areas.

QA and Policy Audit Division (QPAD)

The QPAD Deputy AIG for Audit and their team are responsible for the following areas:

Audit Policy (Audit Manual), Internal Quality Control Reviews, Peer Reviews, Semi-Annual Report to Congress,  Bi-Annual audit plan, Document and Report Editing, and 508 compliance

Thursday, July 13, 2023