This page provides an overview for broadcast entities and multi-channel video programming distributors (MVPDs) affected by the post-auction transition. Each tab below corresponds to a particular category (e.g., winning off-air bidder, reassigned station) and provides a summary of relevant actions, milestones, and resources to help guide you through the process.
Licensees and MVPDs are also free to contact a transition specialist with specific questions.
"Off Air Station" - Station that bids in the reverse auction to relinquish its channel.
Activity | Description | Timing | Responsible Party |
Closing and Channel Reassignment Public Notice (CCR PN) |
Announces reassigned station post-auction channel assignments and phase completion deadlines. |
April 13, 2017 |
Commission |
File FCC Form 1875 Payment Information |
Complete FCC Form 1875 (mailed in April 13th letter) and return the completed form to the Commission. |
May 11, 2017 |
Off Air Station |
Provide Electronic Banking Information in CORES Incentive Auction Financial Module |
Input banking information on the electronically available CORES Incentive Auction Financial Module |
Enter within 10 days of receiving e-mail notification from the Commission. |
Off Air Station |
Ready to Pay Public Notice |
Commission will release a public notice announcing that specific winning bidders are scheduled to receive their incentive payments. For purposes of calculating deadlines, receipt of proceeds is considered to occur five (5) business days following release. |
July 20, 2017 |
Commission |
Notice to Viewers |
Notice to viewers prior to termination of operations on its pre-auction channel. |
Not less than 30 days prior to discontinuation of operations on pre-auction channel. |
Off Air Station |
Notice to MVPDs |
Notice sent to multichannel video program distributors of station's discontinuation of operations on its pre-auction channel. |
No later than 30 days prior to discontinuation of operations. |
Off Air Station |
Notice of Suspension of Operations to FCC |
File in LMS. Also encouraged to send electronic copy to: IAtransitionlicensing@fcc.gov. |
At least two (2) days prior to discontinuing operations. |
Off Air Station |
Request for Waiver of Deadline to Discontinue Operations |
Stations may request to continue operating on pre-auction channel for an additional 90-days beyond the deadline to discontinue operations. File in LMS as a legal STA. Also encouraged to send electronic copy to: IAtransitionlicensing@fcc.gov. |
As soon as it becomes necessary and in no event later than Monday, September 25, 2017. |
Off Air Station |
Discontinue Operations |
Discontinue operations on pre-auction channel within 90 days after receiving share of auction proceeds. |
No later than Wednesday, October 25, 2017. |
Off Air Station |
Request to Cancel License |
File in LMS. Stations are also asked to send an electronic copy of the request via email to: IAtransitionlicensing@fcc.gov |
Upon discontinuation of operations. |
Off Air Station |
"Sharee" - Station that bid in the reverse auction to relinquish its channel in order to share with another station.
"Sharer" - Station that has agreed to share its channel with the Channel Sharee Station.
"Reassigned Station" - Station that is given a new channel assignment in the Closing and Channel Reassignment Public Notice (CCR PN) as a result of the incentive auction repacking process.
Activity | Description | Timing | Responsible Party |
Closing and Channel Reassignment Public Notice (CCR PN) |
Announces reassigned station post-auction channel assignments and phase completion deadlines. |
April 13, 2017 |
Commission |
File FCC Form 1875 Payment Information |
Complete FCC Form 1875 (mailed in April 13th letter) and return the completed form to the Commission. |
May 11, 2017 |
Sharee |
Provide Electronic Banking Information in CORES Incentive Auction Financial Module |
Input banking information on the electronically available CORES Incentive Auction Financial Module. |
Enter within 10 days of receiving e-mail notification from the Commission. |
Sharee |
Ready to Pay Public Notice |
Commission will release a public notice announcing that specific winning bidders are scheduled to receive their incentive payments. For purposes of calculating deadlines, receipt of proceeds is considered to occur five (5) business days following release. |
July 20, 2017 |
Commission |
Request for Waiver of the Construction Permit Deadline for Shared Channel |
Stations may request additional time to file a construction permit application for their shared channel. File in LMS as a request for legal STA. Also encouraged to send electronic copy to: IAtransitionlicensing@fcc.gov. |
Recommend that it be filed no later than Wednesday, October 25, 2017. |
Sharee |
File Application for Construction Permit for Shared Channel |
Application for construction permit filed on LMS Form 2100 Schedule A (full power) or E (Class A). The application must specify the same technical facilities as the sharer and include an executed copy of the Channel Sharing Agreement (CSA). |
No later than Friday, November 24, 2017. |
Sharee |
Minor Change Application/License Application for the Sharer's Post-Auction Channel |
File application if the sharer is a reassigned station or band changing station and is not expected to transition to its new channel before the sharee's deadline to discontinue operations on its pre-auction channel. |
Construction permit must be filed not less than 60 days prior to the sharer's construction permit deadline. |
Sharee |
Notice to Viewers (Relinquishment Channel) |
Notice to viewers prior to termination of operations on its relinquishment channel. |
Not less than 30 days prior to discontinuing operations on relinquishment channel |
Sharee |
Notice to MVPDs (Relinquishment Channel) |
Notice sent to multichannel video program distributors of station's discontinuation of operations on its relinquishment channel. |
Not less than 30 days prior to terminating operations on relinquishment channel and initiating operations on shared channel. |
Sharee |
Notice to Commission |
Notice to Commission of discontinuation of operations on pre-auction channel. File in LMS. Also encouraged to send electronic copy to: IAtransitionlicensing@fcc.gov. |
Two days prior to discontinuing operations |
Sharee |
Request for Waiver of Deadline to Discontinue Operations |
Stations may request up to two 90-day waivers to continue operating on pre-auction channel beyond the deadline to discontinue operations. File in LMS as a request for legal STA. Also encouraged to send electronic copy to: IAtransitionlicensing@fcc.gov. |
As soon as it becomes necessary, but first request must be filed by November 24, 2017. |
Sharee |
Discontinue Operations |
Discontinue operations on pre-auction channel within 180 days after receiving share of auction proceeds. |
No later than Tuesday, January 23, 2018. |
Sharee |
File Application for License/ Minor Change Application |
File application for license for shared channel using LMS Form 2100 - Schedule B (full power) or F (Class A). |
When implementation is complete and within 10 days after commencing program test authority on sharer's pre-auction/post-auction channel. |
Sharee/Sharer |
Certification of Compliance with the Viewer Notification Requirements |
Place a certification of compliance with the on-air viewer notification requirements into the station's online public file. |
Within 30 days after beginning operation on shared channel and shared post-auction channel (if applicable). |
Sharee |
Notice to MVPDs (Repacked/Band Changing Shared Channels) |
Notice sent to multichannel video program distributors of station's discontinuation of operations on its shared channel if the sharer is a repacked/band changing station. |
Not less than 90 days prior to terminating operations on its original shared channel and initiating operations on its shared post-auction channel. |
Sharee/Sharer |
Notice to Viewers (Repacked/Band Changing Shared Channels) |
Notice to viewers prior to termination of operations on its on its shared channel if the sharer is a repacked/band changing station. |
Not less than 30 days prior to discontinuing operations on original shared channel and initiating operations on its shared post-auction channel. |
Sharee/Sharer |
File Application for License/ Minor Change Application (Channel Sharing Repacked/Band Changing Stations) |
If a channel sharing arrangement has been implemented prior to a repacked/band changing sharer moving to its post-auction channel, the sharer must file a minor change application specifying its post-auction channel and parameters previously authorized in its post-auction construction permit. Subsequently a license application for a post-auction channel filed by the sharer station will be filed on behalf of all licensed sharee stations. |
At least 60 days prior to the sharer station's phase construction deadline. |
Sharer |
"Band Changing Station" - A station with a reverse auction winning bid to move to the low or high very-high frequency (VHF) band.
Note: Band changing stations are not eligible for the incentive auction reimbursement program.
Activity | Description | Timing | Responsible Party |
Closing and Channel Reassignment Public Notice (CCR PN) |
Announces reassigned station post-auction channel assignments and phase completion deadlines. |
April 13, 2017 |
Commission |
File FCC Form 1875 Payment Information |
Complete FCC Form 1875 (mailed in April 13th letter) and return the completed form to the Commission. |
May 11, 2017 |
Band changing station |
Provide Electronic Banking Information in CORES Incentive Auction Financial Module |
Input banking information on the electronically available CORES Incentive Auction Financial Module. |
Enter within 10 days of receiving e-mail notification from the Commission. |
Band changing station |
Ready to Pay Public Notice |
Commission will release a public notice announcing that specific winning bidders are scheduled to receive their incentive payments. For purposes of calculating deadlines, receipt of proceeds is considered to occur five (5) business days following release. |
July 20, 2017 |
Commission |
Request for Waiver of Construction Permit Filing Deadline |
Stations may request additional time to file a construction permit application for their post-auction channel. File application in LMS as a request for legal STA. Also encouraged to send electronic copy to: IAtransitionlicensing@fcc.gov. |
"Unable to construct" facilities must file by June 12, 2017. All others that are unable to meet the deadline must file no later than July 12, 2017. |
Band Changing Station |
File Application for Construction Permit |
File construction permit application for post-auction channel on LMS Form 2100 Schedule A (full power) or E (Class A). |
July 12, 2017 |
Band Changing Station |
File Application During Priority Filing Window |
Stations "unable to construct" that received a waiver of the 90-day construction permit filing deadline; or that are predicted to experience a loss in population served in excess of 1% as a result of the repacking process may seek an alternate channel or facility from their station specified in the CCR PN. File an application for construction permit on LMS Form 2100, Schedule A (full power) or E (Class A). |
30-day window beginning August 9, 2017 and concluding September 8, 2017. DA 17-724. |
Band Changing Station |
File Application or Amendment During Second Alternate Channel/Expanded Facilities Filing Window |
Stations may seek an alternate channel or to expand the facility assigned in the CCR PN. File an amendment to the construction permit on LMS 2100 Schedule A (full power) or E (Class A). |
30-day window beginning October 3, 2017 and concluding November 2, 2017. DA 17-911. |
Band Changing Station |
Resolve Mutually Exclusive Applications (if needed) |
90-day period to resolve mutually exclusive applications filed during the priority filing window. |
July 30, 2018 |
Band Changing Station |
File Transition Progress Report- FCC Form 2100 – Schedule 387 |
Stations must file electronically FCC Form 2100, Schedule 387 – Transition Progress Report to report on the progress of the station's post-incentive auction facility construction. |
Starting October 10, 2017 and by the tenth day of each succeeding calendar quarter (i.e., January 10, April 10, July 10, October 10), until the station completes construction of its post-auction facility and ceases operation on its pre-auction channel. Stations must also file (1) 10 weeks before the end of their assigned construction deadline; (2) 10 days after they complete all work related to construction of their post-auction facilities; and (3) five days after they cease broadcasting on their pre-auction channel. Filing deadlines for the report due 10 weeks before the end of a station's assigned construction deadline are as follows: Phase 1- 9/4/2018 |
Band Changing Station |
Notice to Viewers |
Notice to viewers prior to termination of operations on its pre-auction channel. |
For minimum of 30 days prior to discontinuation of operations on pre-auction channel. |
Band Changing Station |
Notice to MVPDs |
Notice sent to multichannel video program distributors of station's discontinuation of operations on its pre-auction channel. |
Not less than 90 days prior to discontinuation of operations. |
Band Changing Station |
Equipment Testing on Post-Auction Channel |
Stations may not begin testing on their post-auction channel until 12:01 am local time on the testing period start date. Stations part of a linked-station set must coordinate their testing with other stations in the set to avoid undue interference. |
Testing Start Dates: Phase 1- 9/14/2018 |
Band Changing Station |
Post-Auction Transition Plan Phase Completion Dates |
Stations must discontinue operations on their pre-auction channels, absent the grant of a waiver and STA, no later than 11:59 pm local time on the phase completion date assigned to the station in the CCR PN or as modified by the Commission. |
Phase Completion Dates: Phase 1- 11/30/2018 |
Band Changing Station |
Application for Extension of Construction Permit |
Application to extend the construction permit for the station's post-auction channel up to 180-days. Application is filed on FCC Form 2100 - Schedule 337. |
Not less than 90 days before the station's construction deadline. Deadline by transition phase is as follows: Phase 1- 9/3/2018 |
Band Changing Station |
Request for Tolling or Waiver of Tolling Rule |
Stations may request additional time beyond the 180-day extended deadline to complete construction only through the "tolling" rule. File in LMS. |
Prior to expiration of the station's construction permit and within the time frames set forth in tolling rule. |
Band Changing Station |
Discontinue Operations |
Discontinue operations on pre-auction channel. |
By the station's assigned phase completion date. |
Band Changing Station |
Request for Special Temporary Authority (STA) |
Stations make seek an STA to operate at variance from their authorized parameters in order to complete construction of its post-auction facility. File request as an engineering STA in LMS. |
When the station determines that it is necessary. |
Band Changing Station |
File Application for License |
File an application for license for post-auction channel using LMS Form 2100 - Schedule B (full power) or F (Class A). |
Within 10 days following commencement of program test authority on post-auction channel. |
Band Changing Station |
Certification of Compliance with the Viewer Notification Requirements |
Place a certification of compliance with the on-air viewer notification requirements into the station's online public file. |
Within 30 days after beginning operation on post-auction channel. |
Band Changing Station |
File Application for License/ Minor Change Application (Channel Sharing Stations) |
If a channel sharing arrangement has been implemented prior to a repacked/band changing sharer moving to its post-auction channel, the sharer must file a minor change application specifying its post-auction channel and parameters previously authorized in its post-auction construction permit. Subsequently a license application for a post-auction channel filed by the sharer station will be filed on behalf of all licensed sharee stations. |
At least 60 days prior to the reassigned station's phase construction deadline. |
Band Changing Station |
"Reassigned Station" - Station that is given a new channel assignment in the Closing and Channel Reassignment Public Notice (CCR PN) as a result of the incentive auction repacking process.
Note: Reassigned stations are also eligible for the incentive auction reimbursement program. See the separate section of this web site for more information on this program.
Activity | Description | Timing | Responsible Party |
Closing and Channel Reassignment Public Notice (CCR PN) |
Announces reassigned station post-auction channel assignments and phase completion deadlines. |
April 13, 2017 |
Commission |
Service Rule Waiver in Lieu of Reimbursement |
May request a waiver of the Commission's service rules to allow the station to make flexible use of its reassigned spectrum to provide non-broadcast services. File in LMS as a request for legal STA. Also encouraged to send electronic copy to: IAtransitionlicensing@fcc.gov. |
May 15, 2017 |
Reassigned Station |
Request for Waiver of Construction Permit Filing Deadline |
Stations may request additional time to file a construction permit application for their post-auction channel. File application in LMS as a request for legal STA. Also encouraged to send electronic copy to: IAtransitionlicensing@fcc.gov. |
"Unable to construct" facilities must file by June 12, 2017. All others that are unable to meet the deadline must file no later than July 12, 2017. |
Reassigned Station |
File Application for Construction Permit |
File construction permit application for post-auction channel on LMS Form 2100 Schedule A (full power) or E (Class A). |
July 12, 2017 |
Reassigned Station |
Application for Estimated Construction Costs |
File an application for estimated construction costs on LMS Form 2100, Schedule 399. Stations that have applied for a service rule waiver must file unless otherwise instructed by the Media Bureau. |
July 12, 2017 Exception: Stations granted an "unable to construct" waiver of the construction permit deadline must file within 30 days of receiving a construction permit. |
Reassigned Station |
File FCC Form 1876 Payment Information |
Complete FCC Form 1876 and mail the completed form to the Commission. |
With enough lead time for payments not to be delayed because bank account information has not been properly submitted to the FCC. |
Reassigned Station |
Provide Electronic Banking Information in CORES Incentive Auction Financial Module |
Input banking information on the electronically available CORES Incentive Auction Financial Module. |
Within 10 days of receiving e-mail notification from the Commission. |
Reassigned Station |
File Application During Priority Filing Window |
Stations "unable to construct" that received a waiver of the 90-day construction permit filing deadline; or that are predicted to experience a loss in population served in excess of 1% as a result of the repacking process may seek an alternate channel or facility from their station specified in the CCR PN. File an application for construction permit on LMS Form 2100, Schedule A (full power) or E (Class A). |
30-day window beginning August 9, 2017 and concluding September 8, 2017. DA 17-724. |
Reassigned Station |
File Application or Amendment During Second Alternate Channel/Expanded Facilities Window |
Stations may seek an alternate channel or to expand the facility assigned in the CCR PN. Stations would file an application for construction permit on LMS 2100 Schedule A (full power) or E (Class A). |
30-day window beginning October 3, 2017 and concluding November 2, 2017. DA 17-911. |
Reassigned Station |
Resolve Mutually Exclusive Applications (if needed) |
90-day period to resolve mutually exclusive applications filed during the priority filing window. |
July 30, 2018 |
Reassigned Station |
Fil Transition Progress Report- FCC Form 2100 – Schedule 387 |
Stations must file electronically FCC Form 2100, Schedule 387 – Transition Progress Report to report on the progress of the station's post-incentive auction facility construction. |
Starting October 10, 2017 and by the tenth day of each succeeding calendar quarter (i.e., January 10, April 10, July 10, October 10), until the station completes construction of its post-auction facility and ceases operation on its pre-auction channel. Stations must also file (1) 10 weeks before the end of their assigned construction deadline; (2) 10 days after they complete all work related to construction of their post-auction facilities; and (3) five days after they cease broadcasting on their pre-auction channel. Filing deadlines for the report due 10 weeks before the end of a station's assigned construction deadline are as follows: Phase 1- 9/4/2018 |
Reassigned Station |
Equipment Testing on Post-Auction Channel |
Stations may not begin testing on their post-auction channel until 12:01 am local time on the testing period start date. Stations part of a linked-station set must coordinate their testing with other stations in the set to avoid undue interference. |
Testing Start Dates: Phase 1- 9/14/2018 |
Reassigned Station |
Post-Auction Transition Plan Phase Completion Dates |
Stations must discontinue operations on their pre-auction channels, absent the grant of a waiver and STA, no later than 11:59 pm local time on the phase completion date assigned to the station in the CCR PN or as modified by the Commission. |
Phase Completion Dates: Phase 1- 11/30/2018 |
Reassigned Station |
Notice to Viewers |
Notice to viewers prior to termination of operations on its pre-auction channel. |
For minimum of 30 days prior to discontinuation of operations on pre-auction channel. |
Reassigned Station |
Certification of Compliance with the Viewer Notification Requirements |
Place a certification of compliance with the on-air viewer notification requirements into the station's online public file. |
Within 30 days after beginning operation on post-auction channel. |
Reassigned Station |
Notice to MVPDs |
Notice sent to multichannel video program distributors of station's discontinuation of operations on its pre-auction channel. |
Not less than 90 days prior to commencement of operations on its post-auction channel. |
Reassigned Station |
Application for Extension of Construction Permit |
Application to extend the construction permit for the station's post-auction channel up to 180-days. Application is filed on FCC Form 2100 - Schedule 337. |
Not less than 90 days before the station's construction deadline. Deadline by transition phase is as follows: Phase 1- 9/3/2018 |
Reassigned Station |
Request for Tolling or Waiver of Tolling Rule |
Stations may request additional time beyond the 180-day extended deadline to complete construction only through the "tolling" rule. File in LMS. |
Prior to expiration of the station's construction permit and within the time frames set forth in tolling rule. |
Reassigned Station |
Discontinue Operations |
Discontinuation of operations on pre-auction channel. |
By the station's assigned phase completion date/construction deadline. |
Reassigned Station |
Request for Special Temporary Authority (STA) |
Stations make seek an STA to operate at variance from their authorized parameters in order to complete construction of its post-auction facility. File request as an engineering STA in LMS. |
When the station determines that it is necessary. |
Reassigned Station |
File Application for License |
File an application for license for post-auction channel using LMS Form 2100 - Schedule B (full power) or F (Class A). |
Within 10 days following commencement of program test authority on post-auction channel. |
Reassigned Station |
Actual and Remaining Reimbursement Claims |
Once reimbursement eligible stations incur actual costs as a result of the post-auction channel reassignments, they must file actual reimbursement claims along with any required supporting invoices and other cost documentation using the Reimbursement Form via LMS. |
The Media Bureau will announce a date prior to the end of the reimbursement period at which time all actual and remaining estimated costs and supporting documentation must be submitted. |
Reassigned Station |
File Application for License/ Minor Change Application (Channel Sharing Stations) |
If a channel sharing arrangement has been implemented prior to a repacked/band changing sharer moving to its post-auction channel, the sharer must file a minor change application specifying its post-auction channel and parameters previously authorized in its post-auction construction permit. Subsequently a license application for a post-auction channel filed by the sharer station will be filed on behalf of all licensed sharee stations. |
At least 60 days prior to the reassigned station's phase construction deadline. |
Reassigned Station |
Stations Not
"Non-Reassigned Station" - Station that is not given a new channel assignment in the Closing and Channel Reassignment Public Notice (CCR PN) as a result of the incentive auction repacking process and remains on its current channel.
Note: Non-Reassigned Stations are NOT eligible for the incentive auction reimbursement program. See the separate section of this web site for more information on this program.
Activity | Description | Timing | Responsible Party |
Closing and Channel Reassignment Public Notice (CCR PN) |
Announces reassigned station post-auction channel assignments and phase completion deadlines. |
April 13, 2017 |
Commission |
File Application During "Priority" Filing Window |
Stations "unable to construct" that received a waiver of the 90-day construction permit filing deadline; or that are predicted to experience a loss in population served in excess of 1% as a result of the repacking process may seek an alternate channel or facility from their station specified in the CCR PN. File an application for construction permit on LMS Form 2100, Schedule A (full power) or E (Class A). |
30-day window beginning approximately 120 days after CCR PN released. Specific dates announced in future public notice. |
Non-Reassigned Stations |
Resolve Mutually Exclusive Applications (if needed) |
90-day period to resolve mutually exclusive applications filed during the priority filing window. |
Non-Reassigned Stations |
File Application for License |
Non-Reassigned Stations granted a construction permit in the priority filing window must file an application for license using LMS Form 2100 - Schedule B (full power) or F (Class A). |
Within 10 days after commencement of program test authority on modified facility. |
Non-Reassigned Stations (only if modifying existing facility) |
MVPD - Multichannel Video Programming Distributors that reasonably incur costs as a result of the incentive auction and that are eligible for reimbursement.
Note: MVPDs are also eligible for the incentive auction reimbursement program. See the separate section of this web site for more information on this program.
Activity | Description | Timing | Responsible Party |
Application for Estimated Construction Costs |
File an application for estimated construction costs filed on LMS Form 2100, Schedule 399. |
7/12/2017 |
MVPDs that incur reimbursable costs |
Submit FCC Form 1876 Payment Instructions |
Complete FCC Form 1876 and mail the completed form to the Commission. |
No sooner than 5 business days after submitting their cost estimate and with enough lead time to correct errors identified by FCC. |
MVPDs that incur reimbursable costs |
Provide Electronic Banking Information in CORES Incentive Auction Financial Module |
Input banking information on the electronically available CORES Incentive Auction Financial Module. |
Enter within 10 days of receiving e-mail notification from the Commission. |
MVPDs that incur reimbursable costs |
Reimbursement Claims for Actual Expenses Incurred |
File actual reimbursement claims along with any required supporting invoices and other cost documentation on LMS Form 2100, Schedule 399. |
The Media Bureau will announce a date prior to the end of the reimbursement period at which time all remaining expense documentation and additional estimates for work not yet completed must be submitted. |
MVPDs that incur reimbursable costs |
Class A
"Displaced Class A Stations" - A Class A station that was not protected in the incentive auction repacking process and is eligible to file a displacement application in the first priority alternate channel/expanded facilities window.
Note: Displaced Class A Stations are NOT eligible for the incentive auction reimbursement program. See the separate section of this web site for more information on this program.
Activity | Description | Timing | Responsible Party |
Closing and Channel Reassignment Public Notice (CCR PN) |
Announces stations assigned a new channel as a result of the incentive auction repacking process and those that will remain on their current channels. |
April 13, 2017 |
Commission |
File Displacement Application During First Priority Window |
Specified Class A stations may seek an alternate channel or facility from their current facility if displaced as a result of channel assignments provided in the CCR PN. File a displacement application on LMS FCC Form 2100 - Schedule E. |
30-day window beginning approximately 120 days after CCR PN released. Specific dates announced in future public notice. |
Displaced Class A Station |
Resolve Mutually Exclusive Applications (if needed) |
90-day period to resolve mutually exclusive applications filed during the priority filing window. |
Displaced Class A Station |
File Transition Progress Report- FCC Form 2100 – Schedule 387 |
Stations must file electronically FCC Form 2100, Schedule 387 – Transition Progress Report (pending OMB approval) to report on the progress of the station's post-incentive auction facility construction. |
October 10, 2017 and by the tenth day of each succeeding calendar quarter thereafter, until the station ceases operation on its pre-auction channel. Additional filings required at specific times prior to and following completion of construction. |
Displaced Class A |
File Application for License |
Stations granted a displacement application must file an application for license on LMS Form 2100 - Schedule F. |
Within 10 days of commencement of program test authority on post-auction channel. |
Displaced Class A Station |
Eligible Displaced
Translator Stations
"Eligible Displaced Low Power Television and TV Translator Stations" - Station was displaced by the post-incentive auction repacking process and is eligible for reimbursement for reasonably incurred costs to relocate or modify their facilities pursuant to the Expanded Reimbursement for LPTV/Translator/FM Report and Order adopted by the Commission on March 19, 2019.
Activity | Description | Timing | Responsible Party |
File Displacement Application for Construction Permit |
File displacement application for construction permit in the Special Displacement Window conducted April 10, 2018 to June 1, 2018. |
June 1, 2018 |
LPTV/translator station |
Expanded Reimbursement for LPTV/Translator/FM Report and Order |
Announces eligibility rules and procedures for reimbursement of LPTV/translator stations. |
March 19, 2019 |
Commission |
Eligibility Certification and Submission of Estimated Construction Costs |
File an application for estimated construction costs on LMS Form 2100, Schedule 399. |
November 14, 2019 |
LPTV/translator Station |
File FCC Form 1876 Payment Information |
Complete FCC Form 1876 in the Commission Registration System (CORES) Incentive Auction Financial Module. Print PDF, sign, notarize and send it to the Commission with a bank account verification letter or a redacted bank statement. |
With enough lead time for payments not to be delayed because bank account information has not been properly submitted to the FCC. |
LPTV/translator Station |
Provide Electronic Banking Information in CORES Incentive Auction Financial Module |
Input banking information on the electronically available CORES Incentive Auction Financial Module. |
Within 10 days of receiving e-mail notification from the Commission. |
LPTV/translator Station |
Application for Extension of Construction Permit |
Application to extend the construction permit for the station's post-auction channel up to 180-days. Application is filed on FCC Form 2100 - Schedule 337. |
Not less than 90 days before the station's construction deadline. |
LPTV/translator Station |
Discontinue Operations |
Discontinuation of operations on pre-displacement channel. |
Following the initiation of service by a repacked full power or Class A television station or receipt of notice of likely interference to a new 600 MHz Band wireless licensee, LPTV/translator stations must immediately eliminate the likelihood of interference or discontinue operations. LPTV/translator stations must cease operations on the 600 MHz guard band and duplex gap no later than the end of the transition period (July 13, 2020). |
LPTV/translator Station |
Request for Special Temporary Authority (STA) |
Stations may seek an STA to operate at variance from their authorized parameters in order to complete construction of its displacement facility. File request as an engineering STA in LMS. |
When the station determines that it is necessary. |
LPTV/translator Station |
File Application for License |
File an application for license for new channel using LMS Form 2100 Schedule D. |
Within 10 days following commencement of program test authority on post-auction channel. |
LPTV/translator Station |
Actual and Remaining Reimbursement Claims |
Once reimbursement eligible stations incur actual costs as a result of the post-auction channel reassignments, they must file actual reimbursement claims along with any required supporting invoices and other cost documentation using the Reimbursement Form via LMS. |
The Media Bureau will announce a date prior to the end of the reimbursement period at which time all actual and remaining estimated costs and supporting documentation must be submitted. |
LPTV/translator Station |
FM Stations
"Eligible FM Station" - Full-service, translator, or low power FM radio station that reasonably incurred costs for facilities necessary to reasonably minimize disruption of service as a result of the reorganization of broadcast television spectrum as defined in the Expanded Reimbursement for LPTV/Translator/FM Report and Order adopted by the Commission on March 19, 2019.
Activity | Description | Timing | Responsible Party |
Expanded Reimbursement for LPTV/Translator/FM Report and Order |
Announces eligibility rules and procedures for reimbursement of FM stations. |
March 19, 2019 |
Commission |
Eligibility Certification and Submission of Estimated Construction Costs |
File an application for estimated construction costs on LMS Form 2100, Schedule 399. |
October 15, 2019 |
FM Station |
File FCC Form 1876 Payment Information |
Complete FCC Form 1876 in the Commission Registration System (CORES) Incentive Auction Financial Module. Print PDF, sign, notarize and send it to the Commission with a bank account verification letter or a redacted bank statement. |
With enough lead time for payments not to be delayed because bank account information has not been properly submitted to the FCC. |
FM Station |
Provide Electronic Banking Information in CORES Incentive Auction Financial Module |
Input banking information on the electronically available CORES Incentive Auction Financial Module. |
Within 10 days of receiving e-mail notification from the Commission. |
FM Station |
Actual and Remaining Reimbursement Claims |
Once reimbursement eligible stations incur actual costs for facilities necessary to reasonably minimize disruption of service as a result of the reorganization of broadcast television spectrum, they must file actual reimbursement claims along with any required supporting invoices and other cost documentation using the Reimbursement Form via LMS. |
The Media Bureau will announce a date prior to the end of the reimbursement period at which time all actual and remaining estimated costs and supporting documentation must be submitted. |
FM Station |
Related Information
For more information, contact a post-incentive auction specialist.