The Enforcement Bureau includes seven main offices and divisions that conduct nonpublic investigations and resolve disputes between industry participants.

The Office of the Bureau Chief (OBC) supervises the work of the Enforcement Bureau’s Divisions and Offices. The OBC is also primarily responsible for coordination with other Bureaus and Offices within the FCC and with law enforcement agencies.

The Telecommunications Consumers Division (TCD) focuses on protecting consumers from fraudulent, misleading, and other harmful practices involving telecommunications.

The Investigations & Hearings Division (IHD) conducts investigations and takes enforcement actions across a broad range of issues involving virtually all services subject to FCC jurisdiction.

The Fraud Division (FD) has primary responsibility for investigating and enforcing the most complex and egregious violations of the Communications Act and the FCC's rules as they pertain to USF support, with a particular emphasis on addressing fraudulent activity.

The Market Disputes Resolution Division (MDRD) serves an adjudicatory role, resolving formal complaints filed against common carriers by market participants, entities, or organizations (wireline, wireless, or international).

The Spectrum Enforcement Division (SED) investigates equipment matters, such as marketing or operating electronic devices without proper authorization under the FCC’s technical rules. It also investigates 911 system failures, devices that threaten cellular networks and GPS, widespread interference matters, and other equipment requirements. In addition, SED investigates licensees that violate their license terms and tower construction in violation of the National Environmental Policy Act or the National Historic Preservation Act.

The Office of the Field Director (OFD) is located at the FCC’s headquarters and provides management, technical, and legal support to the Regional and Field Offices. Regional and Field Offices serve as the Bureau’s means of responding to enforcement issues across the country, with a special emphasis on wireless and broadcast interference. The FCC has field offices located across the United States in three regions. Region One covers the northeastern United States. Region Two covers the central and southern United States and the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico. Region Three covers the western United States including Alaska, Hawaii, and the Pacific Island territories.


Saturday, August 26, 2023