
March 14, 2019 - May 28, 2019
Qualified Bidders:
Winning Bidders:
Licenses Held by FCC:
Gross Bids:
Net Bids:
General Information

Attachment A Files — License Inventory, Upfront Payments and Minimum Opening Bids


Fact Sheet


Bidding in Auction 102 began on March 14, 2019, and concluded on May 28, 2019.


2,909 licenses total

Block A: 416 Partial Economic Area (PEA) licenses
Block B: 416 PEA licenses
Block C: 416 PEA licenses
Block D: 416 PEA licenses
Block E: 416 PEA licenses
Block F: 416 PEA licenses
Block G: 413 PEA licenses*


24.25 – 24.45 GHz and 24.75 – 25.25 GHz


Lower segment (24.25 – 24.45 GHz) licensed as two 100-megahertz blocks (Blocks A and B)

Upper segment (24.75 – 25.25 GHz) licensed as five 100-megahertz blocks* (Blocks C – G)

Winning Bidders:
Qualified Bidders:
Licenses Won:
Licenses Held by FCC:
Total Licenses:
Net Bids:
Gross Bids:

*Note: In one PEA, the G Block license will have reduced bandwidth (75 megahertz). In three other PEAs, the G Block license is completely encumbered, and one fewer block will be available in those markets.

General information and associated licensing parameters are provided below. Public notices provide specific information regarding this auction. This fact sheet includes:

Key Dates

 Auction Application Tutorial available8/28/2018
 Short-Form Application (FCC Form 175) Filing Window opens9/5/2018; 12:00 pm Eastern Time (ET)
 Short-Form Application (FCC Form 175) Filing Deadline9/18/2018; 6:00 pm ET
 Upfront Payment Deadline2/19/2019; 6:00 pm ET
 Auction Bidding Tutorial available no later than2/15/2019
 Mock Auction3/11/2019
 Auction Bidding Start3/14/2019

License Offered

Auction 102 will offer 2,909 Upper Microwave Flexible Use Service licenses in the 24 GHz band, and the licenses will be based on PEAs. The lower segment of the 24 GHz band (24.25–24.45 GHz) will be licensed as two 100-megahertz blocks, while the upper segment (24.75–25.25 GHz) will be licensed as five 100-megahertz blocks, with four 100-megahertz blocks and one 75-megahertz block offered in one PEA and only four blocks in three other PEAs. The complete list of licenses to be offered in Auction 102 is available at under “Attachment A Files”.

UMFUS License Summary — Auction 102 (24 GHz)
 BlockFrequencies (GHz)Total BandwidthGeographic Area TypeNumber of Licenses
 A24.25–24.35100 megahertzPEA416
 B24.35–24.45100 megahertzPEA416
 C24.75–24.85100 megahertzPEA416
 D 24.85–24.95100 megahertzPEA416
 E24.95–25.05100 megahertzPEA416
 F25.05–25.15100 megahertzPEA416
 G*25.15–25.25100 megahertzPEA413

*In PEA 75 (Albuquerque, NM), the G Block license will consist of 75 megahertz (25.150–25.225 GHz). In PEAs 15 (Phoenix, AZ), 26 (Las Vegas, NV), and 76 (Reno, NV), no G Block license will be available.

Permissible Operations

The Commission authorized both fixed and mobile operations in the 24 GHz band. A licensee in the 24 GHz band may provide any services permitted under a fixed or mobile allocation, as set forth in the non-Federal Government column of the Table of Frequency Allocations in Section 2.106 of the Commission’s rules.

License Period and Construction Requirements

License Period

Initial authorizations will have a term not to exceed ten years from the date of initial issuance or renewal. (See 47 CFR § 30.103)

Construction Requirements

Upper Microwave Flexible Use Service licensees must make a buildout showing as part of their renewal applications. Licensees relying on mobile or point-to-multipoint service must show that they are providing reliable signal coverage and service to at least 40 percent of the population within the service area of the licensee, and that they are using facilities to provide service in that area either to customers or for internal use. Licensees relying on point-to-point service must demonstrate that they have four links operating and providing service, either to customers or for internal use, if the population within the license area is equal to or less than 268,000. If the population within the license area is greater than 268,000, a licensee relying on point-to-point service must demonstrate that it has at least one link in operation and is providing service for each 67,000 population within the license area. In order to be eligible to be counted under the point-to-point buildout standard, a point-to-point link must operate with a transmit power greater than +43 dBm.

Showings that rely on a combination of multiple types of service will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis.

If a licensee in this service is also a Fixed-Satellite Service licensee and uses the spectrum covered under its UMFUS license in connection with a satellite earth station, it can demonstrate compliance with the requirements of this section by demonstrating that the earth station in question is in service, operational, and using the spectrum associated with the license. This provision can only be used to demonstrate compliance for the county in which the earth station is located.

Failure to meet this requirement will result in automatic cancellation of the license. In bands licensed on a Partial Economic Area basis, licensees will have the option of partitioning a license on a county basis in order to reduce the population within the license area to a level where the licensee’s buildout would meet one of the applicable performance metrics.

(See 47 CFR § 30.104)

Bidding Credits

Bidding credits will be available to applicants demonstrating eligibility for a small business or a rural service provider bidding credit and subsequently winning license(s). An applicant is permitted to claim either a small business bidding credit or a rural service provider bidding credit, but not both. Each applicant must also certify that it is eligible for the claimed bidding credit in its FCC Form 175. In addition to the information provided below, each applicant should review carefully the Commission’s decisions regarding the designated entity provisions as well as the Part 1 rules.

Small Business Bidding Credits

For Auction 102, bidding credits will be available to eligible small businesses and consortia thereof, subject to the caps discussed below. Under the service rules applicable to the UMFUS licenses to be offered in Auction 102, the level of bidding credit available is determined as follows:

A bidder with attributed average annual gross revenues that do not exceed $55 million for the preceding three years is eligible to receive a 15 percent discount on its winning bid.

A bidder with attributed average annual gross revenues that do not exceed $20 million for the preceding three years is eligible to receive a 25 percent discount on its winning bid.

Small business bidding credits are not cumulative; an eligible applicant may receive either the 15 percent or the 25 percent bidding credit on its winning bid, but not both. The Commission’s unjust enrichment provisions also apply to a winning bidder that uses a bidding credit and subsequently seeks to assign or transfer control of its license within a certain period to an entity not qualifying for the same level of small business bidding credit.

Rural Service Provider Bidding Credit

An eligible applicant may request a 15 percent discount on its winning bid using a rural service provider bidding credit, subject to the $10 million cap discussed below. To be eligible for a rural service provider bidding credit, an applicant must: (1) be a service provider that is in the business of providing commercial communications services and, together with its controlling interests, affiliates, and the affiliates of its controlling interests, has fewer than 250,000 combined wireless, wireline, broadband, and cable subscribers; and (2) serve predominantly rural areas, defined as counties with a population density of 100 or fewer persons per square mile. These eligibility requirements must be satisfied by the FCC Form 175 filing deadline. Additionally, an applicant may count any subscriber as a single subscriber even if that subscriber receives more than one service.

Each applicant seeking a rural service provider bidding credit must disclose the number of subscribers it has, along with the number of subscribers of its affiliates, controlling interests, and the affiliates of its controlling interests. The applicant must also submit an attachment that lists all parties with which the applicant has entered into any spectrum use agreements or arrangements for any licenses that be may won by the applicant in Auction 102. In addition, to the extent that an applicant has an agreement with any disclosable interest holder for the use of more than 25 percent of the spectrum capacity of any license that may be won in Auction 102, the identity and the attributable subscribers of any such disclosable interest holder must be disclosed. Like applicants seeking eligibility for small business bidding credits, eligible rural service providers may also form a consortium. If an applicant is applying as a consortium of rural service providers, the disclosures described in this paragraph must be provided for each consortium member.

Caps on Bidding Credits

Eligible applicants claiming either a small business or rural service provider bidding credit will be subject to certain caps on the total amount of bidding credits that any eligible applicant may receive. Specifically, an eligible small business in Auction 102 is subject to a $25 million cap on the total amount of bidding credits that may be applied to winning bids. An eligible rural service provider in Auction 102 is subject to a $10 million cap on the total amount of bidding credits that may be applied to winning bids. In addition, no winning designated entity bidder will be able to obtain more than $10 million in bidding credits in total for licenses won in markets with a population of 500,000 or less.

Tribal Lands Bidding Credit

A winning bidder that intends to use its license(s) to deploy facilities and provide services to federally recognized tribal lands that are unserved by any telecommunications carrier or that have a wireline penetration rate equal to or below 85 percent is eligible to receive a tribal lands bidding credit as set forth in Sections 1.2107 and 1.2110(f) of the Commission’s rules. A tribal lands bidding credit is in addition to, and separate from, any other bidding credit for which a winning bidder may qualify.

Licensing Rules

47 CFR Parts 1, 2, 25, 30, and 101

Releases P

Auction 102 Long-form Application Granted
Wireless Telecommunications Bureau Grants 24 GHz Band Upper Microwave Flexible Use Service License.

Auction 102 Long-form Application Is Accepted For Filing
Wireless Telecommunications Bureau Announces that Application for 24 GHz Band Flexible Use Licenses Is Accepted for Filing.

Auction 102 Long-form Application Granted
Wireless Telecommunications Bureau Grants 24 GHz Band Upper Microwave Flexible Use Service Licenses.

Auction 102 Long-form Applications Granted
Announces that certain 24 GHz long-form application from Auction 102 are granted.

Auction 102 Long-form Applications Are Accepted For Filing
Announces that certain 24 GHz long-form applications form Auction 102 are accepted for filing.

Auction of 24 GHz Upper Microwave Flexible Use Service Licenses Closes; Winning Bidders Announced for Auction 102
Auction of 24 GHz Band UMFUS licenses (Auction 102) closes; down payments and FCC Forms 601 and 602 due June 17, 2019; final payments due July 1, 2019.

Auction 102 Assignment Phase Information; Schedule Announced
Close of Clock Phase Bidding; Information Concerning the Assignment Phase of Auction 102 (24 GHz), Including Schedule for Mock Auction; Availability of Assignment Phase User Guide and Online Tutorial; Assignment Phase Bidding Begins May 3, 2019.

Auction of 24 GHz Upper Microwave Flexible Use Service Licenses for Next-Generation Wireless Services; 38 Applicants Qualified to Bid in Auction 102
Identifies 38 applicants qualified to bid in the upcoming auction of 24 GHz band UMFUS licenses (Auction 102).

Clock Phase Bidding System User Guide and File Formats Available for the Auction of 24 GHz Upper Microwave Flexible Use Service Licenses (Auction 102)
Announces availability of clock phase bidding system user guide, data file format specifications, and sample bidder data files on the Auction 102 website.

Upfront Payment Deadline and Instructions and Other Dates for the Auction of 24 GHz Upper Microwave Flexible Use Service Licenses (Auction 102); Upfront Payments Due by February 19, 2019; Bidding in Auction 102 Scheduled to Begin on March 14, 2019
Announces upfront payment deadline, instructions for submitting upfront payments and FCC Form 159, and other important information for Auction 102 applicants.

Auction of 24 GHz Upper Microwave Flexible Use Service Licenses for Next-Generation Wireless Services; Applications of 58 Applicants for Auction 102 Deemed to be Complete
Announces the status of short-form applications to participate in Auction 102 (UMFUS – 24 GHz).

Auctions of Upper Microwave Flexible Use Licenses for Next-Generation Wireless Services; Status of Short-form Applications to Participate in Auction 101 (28 GHz) and Auction 102 (24 GHz)
Wireless Telecommunications Bureau announces the status of short-form applications to participate in Auction 101 (28 GHz) and Auction 102 (24 GHz).

Wireless Telecommunications Bureau Releases Updated List of Licenses to Be Offered in Auction 102 (24 GHz); Announces Adjustment to the Categories and Number of Generic License Blocks

Wireless Telecommunications Bureau Seeks Comment on T-Mobile US, Inc. and Sprint Corporation Requests for a Declaratory Ruling or Waiver of the Commission's Rules for Auctions 101 and 102
Comment deadline established on separate requests of T-Mobile US, Inc. and Sprint Corporation for a clarification and declaratory ruling, or alternatively a waiver of certain competitive bidding rules for Auctions 101 and 102.

Wireless Telecommunications Bureau Announces Availability of FCC Form 175 Application Instructions for Auctions 101 and 102; FCC Form 159 Instructions for Auction 101 Upfront Payments; and Technical Guides for Auction 102 Bidding

Auctions of Upper Microwave Flexible Use Licenses for Next-Generation Wireless Services; Notice and Filing Requirements, Minimum Opening Bids, Upfront Payments, and Other Procedures for Auctions 101 (28 GHz) and 102 (24 GHz)
FCC establishes the application and bidding procedures for the upcoming auctions of UMFUS licenses in the 28 GHz and 24 GHz bands.

Auctions of Upper Microwave Flexible Use Licenses for Next-Generation Wireless Services; Comment Sought on Competitive Bidding Procedures for Auctions 101 (28 GHz) and 102 (24 GHz); Bidding in Auction 101 Scheduled to Begin November 14, 2018
Proposes and seeks comment on application and bidding procedures for auctions for the 28 GHz and 24 GHz bands.

Technical Guides on Proposed Bidding Procedures for Auction 102 (24 GHz)
Announces availability of guides that provide technical and mathematical detail regarding the proposed bidding and assignment procedures for Auction 102 (24 GHz). 

Releases O

ORDER (DA 18-937)
Competitive Bidding Procedures for Auction 101 (28 GHz) and Auction 102 (24 GHz), Request of T-Mobile US, Inc. for Confirmation or Waiver of Section 1.2105(a)(2)(ix) of the Commission's Rules, et al
An Order granting, in part, the separate petitions of T-Mobile US, Inc. and Sprint Corporation for a waiver of certain Commission rules for Auctions 101 and 102.

No results here for this auction.

No results here for this auction.

Auction Seminar