- FCC Conditionally Certifies Global Caption to Provide IP CTS. (Order), CG Docket No. 03-123, DA 24-11, released January 4, 2024.
In this Order,the FCC grants Global Caption, a two-year conditional certification as a provider of Internet Protocol Captioned Telephone Service on a fully automatic basis in carceral facilities.
- FCC Conditionally Certifies Nagish, Inc. to Provide IP CTS. (Order), CG Docket No. 03-123, DA 24-12, released January 4, 2024.
In this Order, the FCC grants Nagish, Inc., a two-year conditional certification as a provider of Internet Protocol Captioned Telephone Service on a fully automatic basis.
- FCC Conditionally Certifies Rogervoice to Provide IP CTS. (Order), CG Docket No. 03-123, DA 24-48, released January 17, 2024.
In this Order, the FCC grants Rogervoice, a two-year conditional certification as a provider of Internet Protocol Captioned Telephone Service on a fully automatic basis.
- FCC Conditionally Certifies NexTalk, Inc. to Provide IP CTS. (Order), CG Docket No. 03-123, DA 24-49, released January 17, 2024.
In this Order, the FCC grants NexTalk, Inc., a two-year conditional certification as a provider of Internet Protocol Captioned Telephone Service on a fully automatic basis.
- FCC Seeks Comment on ClearCaptions’ Change in Ownership. (Public Notice), CG Docket No. 03-123, DA 24-52, released January 17, 2024.
By this Public Notice, the FCC seeks comment on the application of ClearCaptions, LLC, for conditional certification as a provider of Internet Protocol Captioned Telephone Service, after its acquisition by CC Opportunities, LLC.
- FCC Grants Conditional Certification to ClearCaptions as a Provider of IP CTS under its New Owner. (Public Notice), CG Docket No. 03-123, DA 24-260, released March 14, 2024.
In this Public Notice, the FCC grants conditional certification to ClearCaptions, LLC, as a provider of Internet Protocol Captioned Telephone Service (IP CTS) after its acquisition by CC Opportunities, LLC. Conditional certification allows ClearCaptions to continue receiving compensation from the Telecommunications Relay Service (TRS) Fund for providing IP CTS after CC Opportunities becomes the owner of the company.
- Comment Dates for Further Notice of Proposed Rulemaking on TRS Fund Compensation for Video Relay Service. (Public Notice), CG Docket Nos. 03-123 and 10-51, DA 24-261, released March 14, 2024.
In this Public Notice, the FCC announces the comment due dates on whether and under what circumstances to provide compensation for specialized services used with VRS and whether any rule changes are needed to facilitate the provision of specialized service, discussed in the Further Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (FCC 22-78), released September 28, 2023.
- FCC Announces Effective and Compliance Dates of VRS Improvements. (Public Notice), CG Docket Nos. 03-123 and 10-51, DA 24-286, released March 22, 2024.
In this Public Notice, the FCC announces effective and compliance dates of several VRS rules relating to communications assistants (CAs) working at home and the use of contractors for VRS interpreting.
- Extension of Conditional Certification of Hamilton Relay, Inc. to Provide Fully Automatic Internet Protocol Captioned Telephone Service. (Public Notice), CG Docket No. 03-123, DA 24-353, released April 12, 2024.
In this Public Notice, the FCC extends until December 31, 2024, the conditional certification for Hamilton Relay, Inc. (Hamilton), to provide fully automatic Internet Protocol Captioned Telephone Service (IP CTS).
- Rolka Loube Associates Submits Payment Formulas and Funding Requirements for the Telecommunications Relay Services Fund. (Public Notice), CG Docket No. 03-123, DA 24-448, released May 10, 2024.
In this Public Notice, the FCC seeks comment on the Telecommunications Relay Services (TRS) Fund administrator’s proposed provider compensation formulas, funding requirement, and carrier contribution factors for the period from July 1, 2024, through June 30, 2025.
- Reminder TRS Complaint Log Summaries Due July 1, 2024. (Public Notice), CG Docket No. 03-123, DA 24-515, released June 3, 2024.
The FCC reminds state programs and providers of telecommunications relay services (TRS) that they must submit their annual consumer complaint log summaries covering the 12-month period from June 1, 2023, through May 31, 2024, on or before Monday, July 1, 2024. The FCC also reminds state TRS programs and TRS providers to notify the Commission of any changes in their contact information and any substantive changes in their TRS programs.
- FCC Extends VRS Privacy Screen Rule Waiver for Video Conferencing. (Order), CG Docket Nos. 23-161, 10-213, and 03-123 (released June 10, 2024).
In this Order, the FCC extends the existing waiver of the Video Relay Service (VRS) privacy screen rule until December 31, 2024, or the effective date of an amendment to the rule, whichever is earlier. This waiver allows VRS users and communications assistants participating in video conferencing calls to turn off their video cameras when not speaking or signing on the call.
- TRS Fund Compensation and Contribution Formulas for the 2024-25 TRS Fund Year. (Order), DA 24-620, CG Docket Nos. 03-123 and 10-51, released June 28, 2024.
In this Order, the FCC establishes the compensation formulas to be paid for certain interstate and internet-based telecommunications relay services (TRS) from July 1, 2024, through June 30, 2025. In addition, the FCC grants a temporary waiver to extend the expiration date of the current compensation formula for Internet Protocol Captioned Telephone Services (IP CTS). The Order also establishes the total size of the TRS Fund for the year and the percentage of intrastate, interstate, and international revenue that covered service providers must contribute to the TRS Fund.
- FCC Announces $34.6 Million CaptionCall Consumer Privacy Investigation Settlement. (Order and Consent Decree), DA 24-641, released July 9, 2024.
In this Order, the FCC adopts a Consent Decree settling an investigation into alleged privacy violations by CaptionCall, with the TRS provider paying penalties and adopting safeguards to better protect consumer data privacy moving forward.
- FCC Requires NG911 Services for Internet-Based TRS Providers. (Report and Order and News Release), PS Docket Nos. 21-479 and 18-64, FCC 24-78, released July 19, 2024.
In this Report and Order, the Commission takes steps to advance the nationwide transition to Next Generation 911 (NG911), which will allow transmission of text, photos, video, and data. These requirements apply to all Internet-based TRS providers that are directly involved in routing 911 traffic.
- FCC improves Access to TRS in Carceral Facilities. (Report and Order), WC Docket Nos. 23-63 and 12-375, FCC 24-75, released July 22, 2024.
In the Report and Order, the FCC improves the affordability and accessibility of carceral communications. With respect to TRS, the FCC authorizes enterprise registration for IP CTS and IP Relay provided to incarceration facilities to ease the burden in making such services available, allows access to traditional TRS (TTY) through real-time text, and clarifies the TRS user registration requirements for inmates after release from a, or transfer to another, carceral facility.
- FCC Seeks Comment on Bond's VRS Application. (Public Notice), CG Docket Nos. 03-123 and 10-51, DA 24-729, released July 29, 2024.
In this Public Notice, the FCC seeks comment on the application filed by Bond Communications, Inc. for certification to provide Video Relay Service (VRS) supported by the Interstate Telecommunications Relay Services (TRS) Fund.
- FCC adopts Internet Protocol Captioned Telephone Service 5-Year Compensation Plan. (Report and Order and Order), CG Docket Nos. 22-408, 13-24, 03-123, FCC 24-81, released July 31, 2024.
In this Report and Order, the FCC adopts a new five-year compensation plan for Internet Protocol Captioned Telephone Service (P CTS), with separate compensation formulas for IP CTS using a Communications Assistant or an Automatic Speech Recognition program. In the Order, the FCC extends the current compensation plan for IP CTS to the first day of the first month after the effective date of the Report and Order.
- FCC Seeks Comment on Petition for Rulemaking to Require a Communications Assistant Option for IP CTS. (Public Notice), CG Docket No. 13-24, 03-123, RM- 11987, DA 24-748, released August 1, 2024.
In this Public Notice, the FCC seeks comment on a Petition filed by accessibility organizations to require a communications assistant (“CA”) Option for all IP CTS calls.