• Structure and Practices of the Video Relay Service Program; Telecommunications Relay Services and Speech-to-Speech Services for Individuals with Hearing and Speech Disabilities, (Report and Order), CG Docket Nos. 10-51 and 03-123, FCC 16-25, adopted March 1, 2016, released March 3, 2016

In the Report and Order, the Commission modifies the previously established rate schedule for video relay service (VRS) compensation by adjusting the rates applicable for periods after June 30, 2015, for service provided by providers with 500,000 or less minutes per month.

  • Rolka Loube Associates Submits Payment Formulas and Funding Requirement for the Interstate Telecommunications Relay Services Fund for the 2016-17 Fund Year, (Public Notice), CG Docket Nos. 03-123 and 10-51, DA 16-518, released May 9, 2016

In the Public Notice, the Consumer and Governmental Affairs Bureau (CGB) seeks comment on the Interstate Telecommunications Relay Services (TRS) Fund administrator’s proposed provider compensation rates, funding requirement, and carrier contribution factor for the period from July 1, 2016, through June 30, 2017, for TRS compensated by the Interstate TRS Fund (Fund).

  • Misuse of Internet Protocol (IP) Captioned Telephone Service et al, (Order), CG Docket Nos. 13-24, 10-51, 03-123, DA 16-699, adopted June 17, 2016, released June 17, 2016

In the Order, the Consumer and Governmental Affairs Bureau lifts the suspension of the conditional certification of Mezmo Corporation d/b/a InnoCaption, to provide Internet Protocol Captioned Telephone Service (IP CTS).

  • Reminder to States and Interstate Telecommunications Relay Services Providers that the Annual Summary of Consumer Complaints is due by July 1, 2016; Reminder of Ongoing Obligation to Report Contact Information and Substantive C hanges in TRS Programs, (Public Notice), CG Docket No. 03-123, DA 16-702, released June 20, 2016

In the Public Notice, the Consumer and Governmental Affairs Bureau reminds states and providers of interstate telecommunications relay services (TRS) that they must submit their annual consumer complaint log summaries covering the 12-month period from June 1, 2015 through May 31, 2016, on or before Friday, July 1, 2016.

  • Waiver of specific Commission’s rules to enable providers to offer direct customer support services in sign language, and
  • Declaratory ruling to clarify that Video Relay Services (VRS) providers are required to support the ability of VRS users to make direct video, voice and text calls to and from any telephone number listed in the TRS Numbering Directory, including direct sign language customer support service numbers.
  • Telecommunications Relay Services and Speech-to-Speech Services for Individuals with Hearing and Speech Disabilities; Structure and Practices of the Video Relay Service Program, (Order), CG Docket Nos. 03-123 and 10-51, DA 16-750, adopted June 30, 2016, released June 30, 2016

In the Order the Consumer and Governmental Affairs Bureau adopts Interstate Telecommunications Relay Service (TRS) compensation rates for the Fund Year beginning July 1, 2016, and determines the total size of the TRS Fund for the coming year and the contribution factor used to calculate carrier and other covered service provider contributions to the TRS Fund.

  • WCB and CGB Seek Comment on VTCSecure LLC Petition for Waiver of the Commission's Rules and Request for Declaratory Ruling to Permit Providers of Direct Sign Language Customer Support Service to Access the TRS Numbering Directory, (Public Notice), WC Docket No. 10-191, CG Docket Nos. 03-123 and 10-51, DA 16-810, released July 18, 2016

In the Public Notice the Commission invites public comment on a petition filed by VTCSecure LLC.

  • Structure and Practices of the Video Relay Service Program; Telecommunications Relay Services and Speech-to-Speech Services for Individuals with Hearing and Speech Disabilities, (Futher Notice of Proposed Rulemaking), CG Docket Nos. 10-51 and 03-123, DA 16-893, adopted August 4, 2016, released August 4, 201

In the Further Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, the Consumer and Governmental Affairs Bureau proposes to incorporate by reference into the Commission’s rules the Video Relay Service (VRS) interoperability and portability standards developed by the VRS Task Group of the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) Forum and a successor group, the Relay User Equipment (RUE) Forum.

  • Telecommunications Relay Services and Speech-to-Speech Services for Individuals with Hearing and Speech Disabilities, Hamilton Relay, Inc., and Sprint Corporation, Petitions for Interim Waiver of Sections 64.604(b)(3) and 64.604(a)(3)(ii), (Order) CG Docket No. 03-123, DA 16-963, adopted August 24, 2016, released August 24, 2016

In the Order, the Consumer and Governmental Affairs Bureau grants requests from Sprint Corporation (Sprint) and Hamilton Relay Inc. (Hamilton) for temporary waivers of two mandatory minimum requirements that currently apply to the provision of traditional telecommunications relay service (TRS), speech-to-speech relay service (STS), and captioned telephone service (CTS). The rules at issue require TRS providers to allow users to have long distance calls carried by their preferred long distance carrier and to offer the same billing options (such as collect, calling card, and third party billing) traditionally offered by wireline telephone companies. By this Order, these two requirements are temporarily waived for providers of traditional TRS, STS, and CTS, to the extent that the providers do not assess a toll charge for long-distance calls.

  • Telecommunications Relay Services and Speech-to-Speech Services for Individuals with Hearing and Speech Disabilities, Hamilton Relay, Inc., and Sprint Corporation, Petitions for Interim Waiver of Sections 64.604(b)(3) and 64.604(a)(3)(ii), (Order) CG Docket No. 03-123, DA 16-963, adopted August 24, 2016, released August 24, 2016

In the Order, the Consumer and Governmental Affairs Bureau grants requests from Sprint Corporation (Sprint) and Hamilton Relay Inc. (Hamilton) for temporary waivers of two mandatory minimum requirements that currently apply to the provision of traditional telecommunications relay service (TRS), speech-to-speech relay service (STS), and captioned telephone service (CTS). The rules at issue require TRS providers to allow users to have long distance calls carried by their preferred long distance carrier and to offer the same billing options (such as collect, calling card, and third party billing) traditionally offered by wireline telephone companies. By this Order, these two requirements are temporarily waived for providers of traditional TRS, STS, and CTS, to the extent that the providers do not assess a toll charge for long-distance calls.

  • Structure and Practices of the Video Relay Service Program; Telecommunications Relay Services and Speech-to-Speech Services for Individuals with Hearing and Speech Disabilities, (Public Notice) CG Docket Nos. 10-51 and 03-123, DA 16-973, released August 25, 2016

In the Public Notice, the Consumer and Governmental Affairs Bureau announces the Comment Deadline for a proposed rule amendment regarding the interoperability and portability standards for video relay services (VRS).

  • Structure and Practices of the Video Relay Service Program; Telecommunications Relay Services and Speech-to-Speech Services for Individuals with Hearing and Speech Disabilities, (Public Notice) CG Docket Nos. 10-51 and 03-123, DA 16-973, released August 25, 2016

In the Public Notice, the Consumer and Governmental Affairs Bureau announces the Comment Deadline for a proposed rule amendment regarding the interoperability and portability standards for video relay services (VRS).

Thursday, August 25, 2016