
Orders, Public Notices, and Other Items

July 12, 2024 - Report and Order
FCC Takes Steps to Update Broadband Data Collection Processes

June 25, 2024 - Public Notice
FCC To Open Fifth Broadband Data Collection Window on July 1, 2024

May 22, 2024 - News Release
FCC Makes Updates to Broadband Data Collection Efforts

January 19, 2024 - Public Notice
FCC's Broadband Data Task Force Seeks Comment on Challenge Processes

December 20, 2023 - Public Notice
Broadband Data Collection Window Opens January 2, 2024

November 30, 2023 - Order
Waiver of BDC Engineering Certification Extended with Conditions

November 17, 2023 - Chairwoman's Note
National Broadband Map 3.0: Thankful for Continued Improvements

August 11, 2023 - Public Notice
Comments Sought on Petition for Waiver of Engineering Certification

July 25, 2023 - Public Notice
Deadline for June 30, 2023 BDC Data Extended

July 3, 2023 - Public Notice
Broadband Data Collection Window Opens July 3, 2023

July 3, 2023 - Public Notice
FCC Accepting Challenges to June 2023 Fabric

May 30, 2023 - Note
National Broadband Map: It Keeps Getting Better

April 19, 2023 - Public Notice
Access to Fabric for Academic and Public-Policy Research Announced

January 25, 2023 - Public Notice
Best Practices for Broadband Fabric Challenges Announced

December 27, 2022 - Public Notice
Broadband Data Collection Window Opens January 3, 2023

December 19, 2022 - Public Notice
Form 477 Requirements Partially Sunset

December 15, 2022 - Public Notice
Tutorials on Responding to Fixed Availability Challenges Released

December 9, 2022 - Order
FCC Sunsets Form 477 Broadband Data Collection

November 18, 2022 - News Release
FCC Releases New National Broadband Maps

November 18, 2022 - Public Notice
FCC Releases Pre-Production Draft National Broadband Map

November 18, 2022 - Note
The New Broadband Maps Are Finally Here

November 18, 2022 - Fact Sheet
National Broadband Map Fact Sheet

November 15, 2022 - Public Notice
Access to Fabric for Third-Party Stakeholders Announced

November 10, 2022 - Public Notice
FCC Announces Bulk Fixed Challenge Workshop and Tutorial

November 10, 2022 - News Release
FCC To Release New Broadband Maps on November 18

September 22, 2022 - Public Notice
FCC Announces Fabric Challenge Filing Workshop

September 15, 2022 - Public Notice
Specs Available for Bulk Broadband Data Collection Fixed Challenges

September 15, 2022 - Public Notice
Broadband Data Collection Bulk Mobile Speed Test Submissions Process

September 2, 2022 - Note
Another Step Toward Better Broadband Maps

September 2, 2022 - Public Notice
Start of Bulk Fabric Challenge Process Announced

July 29, 2022 - Public Notice
FCC Announces Broadband Data Collection Filing Workshops

July 11, 2022 - Public Notice
July 26 Tribal Webinar, Broadband Data Collection System

July 8, 2022 - Declaratory Ruling
Declaratory Ruling and Waiver of Engineering Certification

July 1, 2022 - Public Notice
Specs Available for Bulk Broadband Data Collection Fabric Challenges

June 30, 2022 - Public Notice
Inaugural Broadband Data Collection Filing Window Opens

June 23, 2022 - Public Notice
Broadband Data Collection System Available for Filer Registration

June 23, 2022 - Public Notice
Fabric Available for Filers and Governmental Entities

June 15, 2022 - Public Notice
Live Broadband Data Collection System Preview Announced

June 15, 2022 - Enforcement Advisory 
Broadband Data Collection Filings Due by September 1, 2022

May 31, 2022 - News Release
FCC Launches Tutorials & Help Center for Broadband Data Collection

May 17, 2022 - Public Notice
BDTF, WTB, WCB, and OEA seek comment on Petition Filed by CCA

April 14, 2022 - Public Notice
Access to Preliminary Broadband Serviceable Location Fabric Announced

April 14, 2022 - Public Notice
Guidance Issued to Government Entities Filing Verified Data in the BDC

April 14, 2022 - Public Notice
OET Announces Procedures for Third-Party Mobile Speed Test Apps

March 9, 2022 - Public Notice
FCC Publishes Additional Data Specifications for the BDC

March 9, 2022 - Order
FCC Releases BDC Mobile Technical Requirements Order

March 4, 2022 - Public Notice
FCC Publishes Data Specifications for the Broadband Data Collection

February 22, 2022 - Public Notice
FCC Announces Inaugural Broadband Data Collection Filing Dates

December 8, 2021 - Event
Broadband Data Collection Tribal Governments’ Technical Assistance Workshop

October 25, 2021 - Public Notice
FCC Announces Initial Tribal Broadband Data Collection Workshop

August 25, 2021 - Order
Order Granting Extension Of Time

August 12, 2021 - Event
Broadband Data Collection Challenge Process Webinar

August 6, 2021 - News Release
FCC Launches New Mobile Broadband Map

July 22, 2021 - Public Notice
BDTF Announces Webinar on BDC Challenge Process Technical Proposals

July 16, 2021 - Public Notice
Input Sought on Mobile Challenge, Verification Technical Requirements

June 25, 2021 - Order
BDTF and WTB grant limited waiver of Form 477 Requirements

June 1, 2021 - Broadband Serviceable Location Fabric Contract Solicited
Request for Proposal issued for Broadband Serviceable Location Fabric with responses due July 1, 2021

May 24, 2021 - Report
Report to Congress on USPS Broadband Data Collection Feasibility Study

April 12, 2021 - News Release
FCC Encourages Public to Use Its Speed Test App

March 22, 2021 - News Release
FCC Reaches Out to Collect Consumer Broadband Availability Experiences

March 16, 2021 - Note
A Running Start on New Broadband Maps

March 8, 2021 - Broadband Serviceable Location Fabric Inquiry Initiated
Released Request for Information with Draft Statement of Objectives issued for Broadband Serviceable Location Fabric with responses due March 22, 2021

February 23, 2021 - Data Architect Contract Awarded
Data Architect and Design Services contract awarded to Emprata, LLC to support the design of complicated data analysis and systems

February 17, 2021 - News Release
Rosenworcel Establishes Broadband Data Task Force

February 17, 2021 - Presentation
Improving Broadband Mapping Data February Open Meeting Presentation

February 1, 2021 – Data Architect Contract Solicited
RFQ Issued for Data Architect and Design Services Contract to Support the Implementation of the Broadband Data Collection for competition

January 19, 2021 - Third Report and Order
FCC Takes Next Step to Collect More Precise Broadband Mapping Data

July 17, 2020 - Second Report and Order and Third Further NPRM
FCC Improves Broadband Data and Maps to Bridge the Digital Divide

August 6, 2019 - Report and Order and Second Further NPRM
FCC Improves Broadband Mapping


Additional resources to assist filers are available in the BDC Help Center.



Quick Start Guides

User Guides

Video Tutorials

Tribal Technical Assistance

FCC Broadband Mapping Process:

Availability Challenge Tutorials:

BDC System Tutorials:

Mobile Broadband Availability Data Filing Tutorials:

Fixed Broadband Availability Data Filing Tutorials:

Broadband Serviceable Location Fabric Tutorials:

Presentations, Factsheets, Events

Other Resources

The FCC currently collects data on broadband availability, at the census block level, through FCC Form 477. Below are links to information about, as well as maps and data based on, the Form 477 data:

Additional data on broadband service:

Key Reference Documents

Availability Data Specification

API Specifications

Bulk Availability Challenge Data Specifications

Data Downloads

Fabric Documentation and Bulk Challenge Specification

FCC Mobile Speed Test App Materials

H3 GIS Data

Infrastructure Data Specifications


